台風 – 英語で説明するために – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. 台風の基本情報:
    • 夏から秋にかけて日本に影響を与える強力な熱帯低気圧で、強風や豪雨、高潮を引き起こす
    • 主に夏から秋(6月〜10月頃)が台風シーズン
  2. 気象庁:
    • 台風の進路や強度、影響を予測し、定期的に更新情報を提供
  3. 交通機関への影響:
    • 台風が接近すると、飛行機の欠航や新幹線・電車の運休が発生
  4. 避難や備蓄:
    • 台風が直撃する可能性がある地域では、食料や水、懐中電灯、電池などの備蓄が推奨される
    • 自治体の避難勧告が出されることもある



    会話 / dialogue


    Hey, Key, did you see the news? There’s a really strong typhoon heading towards Kyushu, and it might even affect us here in Kanto.


    Yeah, I saw that. The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) said it’s one of the most powerful typhoons this year. They’re expecting it to make landfall in Kyushu tomorrow night.


    Right. I was checking the JMA updates, and they’re saying we could get hit with strong winds and heavy rain even here in Tokyo. They’ve already issued warnings for strong winds and potential flooding in some areas.


    That sounds serious. Did they mention any transportation changes?


    Yeah, they did. Several flights to Kyushu have been canceled, and the Shinkansen between Hiroshima and Hakata is going to be suspended. They’re even saying trains in the Kanto area might stop running if the winds get bad.


    That’s typical. I remember last year, when another typhoon hit, most of the trains stopped, and some people had to stay at the stations overnight. It’s smart they’re suspending services ahead of time this time.


    I agree. I’m thinking of staying home tomorrow, just in case. The news was also saying that people in Kyushu are preparing by securing their homes and stocking up on food and water.


    Yeah, it’s good to be prepared. I stocked up on some supplies earlier today—water, batteries, you know, just in case. And I made sure to charge my phone and power bank.


    That’s smart. I still need to get some supplies. I’ve been listening to the news closely, and they’re urging people to avoid unnecessary travel, especially near the coast or rivers.


    Definitely. The storm surge and flooding could be really dangerous. I also heard they’ve issued evacuation orders in some areas of Kyushu. People are being told to leave their homes before the heavy rain hits.


    That makes sense. The JMA mentioned the potential for landslides in the mountain areas too. It’s good they’re warning people early.


    It’s scary, but at least we have all this information. The JMA updates every few hours, so we can keep track of the typhoon’s movement. Plus, the news channels are covering it non-stop.


    Yeah, I’ve been checking the latest reports every few hours. It’s amazing how precise the forecasts have become. They’re already predicting how much rain we could get—up to 15 centimeters in some areas.


    Wow, that’s a lot. It could definitely cause some flooding. Have you thought about what you’ll do if it gets worse here?


    I’ll probably stay home and keep monitoring the situation. If it looks like it’s getting really bad, I’ll consider heading to a shelter. There’s one nearby, just in case.


    Good plan. I’ll be doing the same. Let’s just hope it doesn’t hit too hard here in Kanto. But it’s good to be ready for anything.


    Agreed. Stay safe, Key. Let’s keep each other updated if anything changes.


    Definitely. Take care, Mack!

    関連情報 / related information




    What is a Typhoon?
    A typhoon is a strong tropical storm that forms over warm ocean waters. It is similar to hurricanes, but typhoons occur mainly in the western Pacific Ocean. Typhoons bring heavy rain and very strong winds. These storms can cause floods, landslides, and damage to buildings. Typhoon season in Japan usually lasts from June to November.

    Typhoon Warning System
    The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) monitors typhoons closely. They provide regular updates about a typhoon’s location, strength, and expected path. These updates help people prepare for the storm. JMA issues warnings when a typhoon is expected to bring dangerous weather conditions. People can check these warnings on TV, radio, or online.

    How to Prepare for a Typhoon
    When a typhoon is approaching, it’s important to prepare early. People should stock up on supplies like food, water, batteries, and flashlights. It is also important to secure windows and outdoor objects that could blow away in strong winds. In some cases, people may need to evacuate if their area is at risk of flooding or landslides. Staying informed through news and weather reports is key to staying safe during a typhoon.

    10の質問 / 10 questions


    1: What is a typhoon?  

    A typhoon is a powerful tropical storm that forms over warm ocean waters, mainly in the western Pacific. It brings strong winds and heavy rain, often causing floods and landslides.

    2: When is typhoon season in Japan? 

    Typhoon season in Japan usually lasts from June to November, with the most intense storms often occurring in late summer and early autumn.

    3: How does the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) help during a typhoon? 
    The JMA provides regular updates on the typhoon's path, strength, and potential impact. They issue warnings and advisories to help people prepare and stay safe.
    4: What should people do to prepare for a typhoon? 

    People should stock up on essentials like food, water, batteries, and flashlights. They should also secure windows and outdoor objects that could be blown away by strong winds.

    5: Why is it important to follow typhoon updates?  

    Following typhoon updates helps people stay informed about the storm’s progress and potential risks, such as floods or landslides, allowing them to take necessary precautions.

    6: What impact do typhoons have on transportation? 

    Typhoons often cause flights to be canceled, trains to be suspended, and roads to be closed due to strong winds and heavy rain, disrupting travel and daily life.

    7: What should people do if they are near the coast during a typhoon?  

    People near the coast should avoid going outside and stay away from the water, as storm surges can cause dangerous flooding.

    8: How can typhoons cause damage to buildings? 

    The strong winds of a typhoon can blow off roofs, break windows, and even cause buildings to collapse, especially if they are not properly secured.

    9: What is an evacuation order during a typhoon? 

    An evacuation order is a directive from local authorities telling people to leave their homes and move to a safer location, such as a shelter, if their area is at high risk of flooding or landslides.

    10: How do typhoons affect the economy?

    Typhoons can cause significant economic damage by destroying crops, disrupting businesses, and damaging infrastructure, leading to costly repairs and recovery efforts.


    会話 / dialogue


    Hey, Key, did you see the news? There’s a really strong typhoon heading towards Kyushu, and it might even affect us here in Kanto.



    Yeah, I saw that. The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) said it’s one of the most powerful typhoons this year. They’re expecting it to make landfall in Kyushu tomorrow night.



    Right. I was checking the JMA updates, and they’re saying we could get hit with strong winds and heavy rain even here in Tokyo. They’ve already issued warnings for strong winds and potential flooding in some areas.



    That sounds serious. Did they mention any transportation changes?



    Yeah, they did. Several flights to Kyushu have been canceled, and the Shinkansen between Hiroshima and Hakata is going to be suspended. They’re even saying trains in the Kanto area might stop running if the winds get bad.



    That’s typical. I remember last year, when another typhoon hit, most of the trains stopped, and some people had to stay at the stations overnight. It’s smart they’re suspending services ahead of time this time.



    I agree. I’m thinking of staying home tomorrow, just in case. The news was also saying that people in Kyushu are preparing by securing their homes and stocking up on food and water.



    Yeah, it’s good to be prepared. I stocked up on some supplies earlier today—water, batteries, you know, just in case. And I made sure to charge my phone and power bank.



    That’s smart. I still need to get some supplies. I’ve been listening to the news closely, and they’re urging people to avoid unnecessary travel, especially near the coast or rivers.



    Definitely. The storm surge and flooding could be really dangerous. I also heard they’ve issued evacuation orders in some areas of Kyushu. People are being told to leave their homes before the heavy rain hits.



    That makes sense. The JMA mentioned the potential for landslides in the mountain areas too. It’s good they’re warning people early.



    It’s scary, but at least we have all this information. The JMA updates every few hours, so we can keep track of the typhoon’s movement. Plus, the news channels are covering it non-stop.



    Yeah, I’ve been checking the latest reports every few hours. It’s amazing how precise the forecasts have become. They’re already predicting how much rain we could get—up to 15 centimeters in some areas.



    Wow, that’s a lot. It could definitely cause some flooding. Have you thought about what you’ll do if it gets worse here?



    I’ll probably stay home and keep monitoring the situation. If it looks like it’s getting really bad, I’ll consider heading to a shelter. There’s one nearby, just in case.



    Good plan. I’ll be doing the same. Let’s just hope it doesn’t hit too hard here in Kanto. But it’s good to be ready for anything.



    Agreed. Stay safe, Key. Let’s keep each other updated if anything changes.



    Definitely. Take care, Mack!


    関連情報 / related information



    What is a Typhoon?
    A typhoon is a strong tropical storm that forms over warm ocean waters. It is similar to hurricanes, but typhoons occur mainly in the western Pacific Ocean. Typhoons bring heavy rain and very strong winds. These storms can cause floods, landslides, and damage to buildings. Typhoon season in Japan usually lasts from June to November.


    Typhoon Warning System
    The Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) monitors typhoons closely. They provide regular updates about a typhoon’s location, strength, and expected path. These updates help people prepare for the storm. JMA issues warnings when a typhoon is expected to bring dangerous weather conditions. People can check these warnings on TV, radio, or online.


    How to Prepare for a Typhoon
    When a typhoon is approaching, it’s important to prepare early. People should stock up on supplies like food, water, batteries, and flashlights. It is also important to secure windows and outdoor objects that could blow away in strong winds. In some cases, people may need to evacuate if their area is at risk of flooding or landslides. Staying informed through news and weather reports is key to staying safe during a typhoon.


    10の質問 / 10 questions

    1: What is a typhoon?  

    A typhoon is a powerful tropical storm that forms over warm ocean waters, mainly in the western Pacific. It brings strong winds and heavy rain, often causing floods and landslides.

    2: When is typhoon season in Japan?  

    Typhoon season in Japan usually lasts from June to November, with the most intense storms often occurring in late summer and early autumn.

    3: How does the Japan Meteorological Agency (JMA) help during a typhoon?  

    The JMA provides regular updates on the typhoon’s path, strength, and potential impact. They issue warnings and advisories to help people prepare and stay safe.

    4: What should people do to prepare for a typhoon?  

    People should stock up on essentials like food, water, batteries, and flashlights. They should also secure windows and outdoor objects that could be blown away by strong winds.

    5: Why is it important to follow typhoon updates?  

    Following typhoon updates helps people stay informed about the storm’s progress and potential risks, such as floods or landslides, allowing them to take necessary precautions.

    6: What impact do typhoons have on transportation?  

    Typhoons often cause flights to be canceled, trains to be suspended, and roads to be closed due to strong winds and heavy rain, disrupting travel and daily life.

    7: What should people do if they are near the coast during a typhoon?  

    People near the coast should avoid going outside and stay away from the water, as storm surges can cause dangerous flooding.

    8: How can typhoons cause damage to buildings?  

    The strong winds of a typhoon can blow off roofs, break windows, and even cause buildings to collapse, especially if they are not properly secured.

    9: What is an evacuation order during a typhoon?  

    An evacuation order is a directive from local authorities telling people to leave their homes and move to a safer location, such as a shelter, if their area is at high risk of flooding or landslides.

    10: How do typhoons affect the economy?  

    Typhoons can cause significant economic damage by destroying crops, disrupting businesses, and damaging infrastructure, leading to costly repairs and recovery efforts.

    words & phrases



    landfall : 名詞 
    意味: 台風やハリケーンなどが陸地に上陸すること。The event of a storm, especially a typhoon or hurricane, reaching land.

    • The typhoon is expected to make landfall in Kyushu tomorrow night.
    • The hurricane caused severe damage after making landfall.
    • Officials are preparing for the storm’s landfall.

    flooding : 名詞
    意味: 洪水、特に大量の雨や水が溢れる状況。The overflow of water onto normally dry land, especially due to heavy rain.

    • The heavy rain could cause severe flooding in low-lying areas.
    • The city is at risk of flooding during the typhoon.
    • Emergency services are preparing for potential flooding.

    stock up on : 動詞句
    意味: 必需品を大量に買い込むこと。To buy large quantities of goods, especially in preparation for a shortage or emergency.

    • People should stock up on food and water before the typhoon arrives.
    • We need to stock up on batteries and flashlights.
    • It’s a good idea to stock up on essentials during typhoon season.

    surge : 名詞
    意味: 突然の大きな増加や上昇、特に高潮や感情の高まりなど。A sudden large increase or rise, often used to describe storm surges or emotions.

    • The storm caused a powerful surge in sea levels, leading to flooding.
    • There was a surge of panic as the typhoon approached.
    • The surge in electricity demand during the typhoon caused blackouts.

    keep track of : 動詞句
    意味: 何かを追跡する、または記録しておくこと。To monitor, follow, or maintain a record of something.

    • It’s important to keep track of the typhoon’s updates from the JMA.
    • I always keep track of my expenses to manage my budget.
    • We should keep track of the latest news to stay safe.
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