富士山 – 英語で説明するために – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. 富士山の基本情報:
    • 日本で最も高い山で、標高は3,776メートル
    • 火山であり、最後の噴火は1707年
  2. 文化的・宗教的意義:
    • 古くから神聖な山として信仰の対象
  3. 世界遺産としての富士山:
    • 2013年に「富士山-信仰の対象と芸術の源泉」としてユネスコの世界文化遺産に登録
  4. 登山シーズンと規制:
    • 富士山の登山シーズンは7月1日から9月10日まで
    • 2024年からは登山者の数を制限し、登山料を徴収する新しい規制が導入された
  5. 周辺観光地:
    • 富士五湖や青木ヶ原樹海、富士山本宮浅間大社などの観光スポットが多数存在



会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been really interested in Mount Fuji lately. I know it’s the tallest mountain in Japan, but I want to learn more about it. Have you ever climbed it?


I haven’t climbed it yet, but I’ve done a lot of research. Mount Fuji is 3,776 meters tall and is actually a volcano! It last erupted in 1707, which is over 300 years ago.


Wow, I didn’t know it was a volcano. I’ve seen pictures of it, and the shape is just perfect. It must be one of the most photographed mountains in the world.


Definitely. Its symmetrical shape has inspired a lot of art, especially during the Edo period. Katsushika Hokusai’s “Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji” is probably the most famous series featuring it.


Oh, I’ve seen some of those prints. They’re beautiful! I also heard that Mount Fuji is a World Heritage site. What’s the story behind that?


It became a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site in 2013. The recognition is not just for its natural beauty but also for its cultural significance. Mount Fuji has been a sacred place in Japan for centuries and a source of artistic inspiration.


That makes sense. I’m thinking about climbing it. Do you know when is the best time to go?


The best time is during the official climbing season, which is from July 1st to September 10th. The weather is more stable, and the mountain huts along the way are open. Outside of this season, it’s much more dangerous due to snow and ice.


Good to know. I read that there are some new regulations this year. Do you know anything about them?


Yes, there’s now a limit of 4,000 climbers per day on the Yoshida Trail, which is the most popular route. You also need to pay a 2,000 yen fee to climb, and if you plan to climb at night, you must have a reservation at a mountain hut.


That’s fair, I suppose. It’s important to protect the environment. Speaking of which, what else can you do around Mount Fuji if you’re not climbing?


There’s a lot to do! You can visit the Fuji Five Lakes, which offer stunning views of the mountain, especially when it’s reflected on the water. Aokigahara Forest is also nearby, known for its unique landscape. And don’t forget Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine—it’s a beautiful and historically significant place.


That sounds amazing. I’ve heard that the sunrise from the summit is breathtaking. How long does it take to reach the top?


For beginners, it usually takes about 5 to 7 hours to climb up from the 5th Station and another 3 to 5 hours to descend. It’s a good idea to stay overnight at a mountain hut and start your final ascent early in the morning to catch the sunrise.


That’s exactly what I want to do. Maybe I’ll plan my trip for next summer. Is there anything specific I should prepare for the climb?


Definitely. You’ll need proper gear, like good climbing boots, warm clothing, and a headlamp if you’re climbing at night. Also, bring plenty of water and snacks. The higher you go, the colder it gets, so layers are important.


Thanks for the tips. I’ve also heard about a forest near Mount Fuji that’s a bit mysterious. What’s that about?


You must be talking about Aokigahara Forest. It’s known as the Sea of Trees and has a reputation for being eerie because of its dense trees and quiet atmosphere. But it’s also a beautiful place for hiking if you stick to the trails.


That sounds interesting, but maybe a bit too mysterious for me. I think I’ll stick to the lakes and shrines. By the way, what’s the best way to get to Mount Fuji?


The easiest way is by bus from Tokyo. You can take a direct bus to the 5th Station on the Yoshida Trail, where most people start their climb. It’s also a good idea to book your bus tickets in advance, especially during the climbing season.


That’s good to know. I’m definitely going to do some more planning. Mount Fuji seems like a must-see, not just for the climb but for everything around it too.


Absolutely. It’s not just a climb; it’s a whole experience. From the cultural sites to the natural beauty, Mount Fuji has so much to offer. I’m sure you’ll have an unforgettable trip.


I can’t wait. Thanks for all the information, Key. You’ve really got me excited about this adventure.


Anytime, Mack! Let me know if you need any more tips. And when you do climb it, make sure to take lots of photos. I’ll be looking forward to hearing all about it!


You bet! I’ll make sure to share the experience with you. Now, I just have to start my training!


Good idea. A little preparation goes a long way on a climb like this. Enjoy the journey, Mack!

関連情報 / related information




Location and Height
Mount Fuji is the tallest mountain in Japan, standing at 3,776 meters. It is located between Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures. The mountain is a well-known symbol of Japan, recognized for its nearly perfect cone shape.

Cultural Significance
Mount Fuji is not just a natural wonder; it holds deep cultural and religious significance. For centuries, it has been considered a sacred place in Japan, and many people have climbed it as part of their spiritual practice. In 2013, Mount Fuji was recognized as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site for its importance in Japanese culture and its influence on art.

Climbing Season and Regulations
The official climbing season for Mount Fuji is from July 1st to September 10th. This is when the weather is most stable, and the mountain huts are open. Starting in 2024, there are new regulations, including a daily limit of 4,000 climbers on the Yoshida Trail and a mandatory fee of 2,000 yen. These measures help protect the environment and ensure a safe experience for all climbers.

Surrounding Attractions
Around Mount Fuji, there are many beautiful spots to visit, such as the Fuji Five Lakes, which offer stunning views of the mountain, and the Aokigahara Forest, known for its unique and mysterious atmosphere. These areas add to the rich experience of visiting Mount Fuji.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: Where is Mount Fuji located?

Mount Fuji is located between Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures in Japan. It is the tallest mountain in the country, standing at 3,776 meters.

2: Why is Mount Fuji considered a sacred place?

Mount Fuji has been a sacred place in Japan for centuries. It is deeply connected to Shinto and Buddhist practices, and many people believe it is a holy site that brings spiritual benefits.

3: When is the best time to climb Mount Fuji?
The best time to climb Mount Fuji is during the official climbing season, which is from July 1st to September 10th. The weather is more stable, and mountain huts are open during this period.
4: What new regulations were introduced for climbing Mount Fuji in 2024?

In 2024, new regulations were introduced, including a daily limit of 4,000 climbers on the Yoshida Trail and a mandatory climbing fee of 2,000 yen to help protect the environment and manage the number of visitors.

5: What is the significance of Mount Fuji being a UNESCO World Heritage site?

Mount Fuji was recognized as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site in 2013 due to its cultural and religious significance, as well as its impact on Japanese art and literature.

6: What can you see around Mount Fuji besides the mountain itself?

Around Mount Fuji, you can visit the Fuji Five Lakes, which offer beautiful views of the mountain, and the Aokigahara Forest, known for its unique and mysterious atmosphere.

7: How long does it take to climb Mount Fuji?

For beginners, it usually takes about 5 to 7 hours to climb from the 5th Station to the summit and another 3 to 5 hours to descend.

8: What should you bring when climbing Mount Fuji?

When climbing Mount Fuji, you should bring proper gear such as climbing boots, warm clothing, a headlamp for night climbs, plenty of water, and snacks. Layered clothing is important because it gets colder as you ascend.

9: What famous artwork features Mount Fuji?

Katsushika Hokusai’s “Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji” is a famous series of woodblock prints that depict the mountain from various angles and seasons.

10: Why is Mount Fuji’s shape so admired?

Mount Fuji is admired for its nearly perfect conical shape, which is considered beautiful and has inspired many works of art and photography. It is often seen as a symbol of Japan’s natural beauty.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been really interested in Mount Fuji lately. I know it’s the tallest mountain in Japan, but I want to learn more about it. Have you ever climbed it?



I haven’t climbed it yet, but I’ve done a lot of research. Mount Fuji is 3,776 meters tall and is actually a volcano! It last erupted in 1707, which is over 300 years ago.



Wow, I didn’t know it was a volcano. I’ve seen pictures of it, and the shape is just perfect. It must be one of the most photographed mountains in the world.



Definitely. Its symmetrical shape has inspired a lot of art, especially during the Edo period. Katsushika Hokusai’s “Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji” is probably the most famous series featuring it.



Oh, I’ve seen some of those prints. They’re beautiful! I also heard that Mount Fuji is a World Heritage site. What’s the story behind that?



It became a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site in 2013. The recognition is not just for its natural beauty but also for its cultural significance. Mount Fuji has been a sacred place in Japan for centuries and a source of artistic inspiration.



That makes sense. I’m thinking about climbing it. Do you know when is the best time to go?



The best time is during the official climbing season, which is from July 1st to September 10th. The weather is more stable, and the mountain huts along the way are open. Outside of this season, it’s much more dangerous due to snow and ice.



Good to know. I read that there are some new regulations this year. Do you know anything about them?



Yes, there’s now a limit of 4,000 climbers per day on the Yoshida Trail, which is the most popular route. You also need to pay a 2,000 yen fee to climb, and if you plan to climb at night, you must have a reservation at a mountain hut.



That’s fair, I suppose. It’s important to protect the environment. Speaking of which, what else can you do around Mount Fuji if you’re not climbing?



There’s a lot to do! You can visit the Fuji Five Lakes, which offer stunning views of the mountain, especially when it’s reflected on the water. Aokigahara Forest is also nearby, known for its unique landscape. And don’t forget Fujisan Hongu Sengen Taisha Shrine—it’s a beautiful and historically significant place.



That sounds amazing. I’ve heard that the sunrise from the summit is breathtaking. How long does it take to reach the top?



For beginners, it usually takes about 5 to 7 hours to climb up from the 5th Station and another 3 to 5 hours to descend. It’s a good idea to stay overnight at a mountain hut and start your final ascent early in the morning to catch the sunrise.



That’s exactly what I want to do. Maybe I’ll plan my trip for next summer. Is there anything specific I should prepare for the climb?



Definitely. You’ll need proper gear, like good climbing boots, warm clothing, and a headlamp if you’re climbing at night. Also, bring plenty of water and snacks. The higher you go, the colder it gets, so layers are important.



Thanks for the tips. I’ve also heard about a forest near Mount Fuji that’s a bit mysterious. What’s that about?



You must be talking about Aokigahara Forest. It’s known as the Sea of Trees and has a reputation for being eerie because of its dense trees and quiet atmosphere. But it’s also a beautiful place for hiking if you stick to the trails.



That sounds interesting, but maybe a bit too mysterious for me. I think I’ll stick to the lakes and shrines. By the way, what’s the best way to get to Mount Fuji?



The easiest way is by bus from Tokyo. You can take a direct bus to the 5th Station on the Yoshida Trail, where most people start their climb. It’s also a good idea to book your bus tickets in advance, especially during the climbing season.



That’s good to know. I’m definitely going to do some more planning. Mount Fuji seems like a must-see, not just for the climb but for everything around it too.



Absolutely. It’s not just a climb; it’s a whole experience. From the cultural sites to the natural beauty, Mount Fuji has so much to offer. I’m sure you’ll have an unforgettable trip.



I can’t wait. Thanks for all the information, Key. You’ve really got me excited about this adventure.



Anytime, Mack! Let me know if you need any more tips. And when you do climb it, make sure to take lots of photos. I’ll be looking forward to hearing all about it!



You bet! I’ll make sure to share the experience with you. Now, I just have to start my training!



Good idea. A little preparation goes a long way on a climb like this. Enjoy the journey, Mack!


関連情報 / related information



Location and Height
Mount Fuji is the tallest mountain in Japan, standing at 3,776 meters. It is located between Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures. The mountain is a well-known symbol of Japan, recognized for its nearly perfect cone shape.


Cultural Significance
Mount Fuji is not just a natural wonder; it holds deep cultural and religious significance. For centuries, it has been considered a sacred place in Japan, and many people have climbed it as part of their spiritual practice. In 2013, Mount Fuji was recognized as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site for its importance in Japanese culture and its influence on art.


Climbing Season and Regulations
The official climbing season for Mount Fuji is from July 1st to September 10th. This is when the weather is most stable, and the mountain huts are open. Starting in 2024, there are new regulations, including a daily limit of 4,000 climbers on the Yoshida Trail and a mandatory fee of 2,000 yen. These measures help protect the environment and ensure a safe experience for all climbers.


Surrounding Attractions
Around Mount Fuji, there are many beautiful spots to visit, such as the Fuji Five Lakes, which offer stunning views of the mountain, and the Aokigahara Forest, known for its unique and mysterious atmosphere. These areas add to the rich experience of visiting Mount Fuji.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: Where is Mount Fuji located?  

Mount Fuji is located between Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures in Japan. It is the tallest mountain in the country, standing at 3,776 meters.

2: Why is Mount Fuji considered a sacred place?  

Mount Fuji has been a sacred place in Japan for centuries. It is deeply connected to Shinto and Buddhist practices, and many people believe it is a holy site that brings spiritual benefits.

3: When is the best time to climb Mount Fuji?  

The best time to climb Mount Fuji is during the official climbing season, which is from July 1st to September 10th. The weather is more stable, and mountain huts are open during this period.

4: What new regulations were introduced for climbing Mount Fuji in 2024?  

In 2024, new regulations were introduced, including a daily limit of 4,000 climbers on the Yoshida Trail and a mandatory climbing fee of 2,000 yen to help protect the environment and manage the number of visitors.

5: What is the significance of Mount Fuji being a UNESCO World Heritage site?  

Mount Fuji was recognized as a UNESCO World Cultural Heritage site in 2013 due to its cultural and religious significance, as well as its impact on Japanese art and literature.

6: What can you see around Mount Fuji besides the mountain itself?  

Around Mount Fuji, you can visit the Fuji Five Lakes, which offer beautiful views of the mountain, and the Aokigahara Forest, known for its unique and mysterious atmosphere.

7: How long does it take to climb Mount Fuji?  

For beginners, it usually takes about 5 to 7 hours to climb from the 5th Station to the summit and another 3 to 5 hours to descend.

8: What should you bring when climbing Mount Fuji?  

When climbing Mount Fuji, you should bring proper gear such as climbing boots, warm clothing, a headlamp for night climbs, plenty of water, and snacks. Layered clothing is important because it gets colder as you ascend.

9: What famous artwork features Mount Fuji?  

Katsushika Hokusai’s “Thirty-Six Views of Mount Fuji” is a famous series of woodblock prints that depict the mountain from various angles and seasons.

10: Why is Mount Fuji’s shape so admired?  

Mount Fuji is admired for its nearly perfect conical shape, which is considered beautiful and has inspired many works of art and photography. It is often seen as a symbol of Japan’s natural beauty.

words & phrases



erupt : 動詞
意味: 火山が噴火する。To suddenly explode with force, typically used for volcanoes.

  • The volcano erupted after being dormant for years.
  • Mount Fuji last erupted in 1707.
  • His anger erupted when he heard the news.

descend : 動詞
意味: 降りる、下る。To move downward or to go from a higher place to a lower one.

  • We began to descend the mountain after reaching the summit.
  • The airplane started to descend as it approached the airport.
  • Darkness descended as the sun set behind the hills.

eerie : 形容詞
意味: 不気味な、奇妙な。Strange and frightening.

  • The forest was silent and eerie at night.
  • There was an eerie feeling in the abandoned house.
  • The eerie sound of the wind made the old castle seem haunted.

sacred : 形容詞 
意味: 神聖な、宗教的に重要な。Regarded with great respect and reverence, especially in a religious context.

  • The temple is considered sacred by the local people.
  • They walked barefoot in the sacred grounds of the shrine.
  • The sacred text is studied by scholars all over the world.

mandatory : 形容詞
意味: 義務的な、強制的な。Required by law or rules; compulsory.

  • Wearing a helmet is mandatory when riding a motorcycle.
  • Attendance at the meeting is mandatory for all employees.
  • The new law makes it mandatory for businesses to recycle.
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