浅草寺 – 英語で説明するために – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. 浅草寺の歴史:
    • 東京で最も古い寺院、628年に創建
    • 観音菩薩を祀っている
  2. 雷門:
    • 浅草寺の入口にある有名な門
    • 大きな赤い提灯と風神・雷神の像が特徴
  3. 仲見世通り:
    • 雷門から本堂へ続く約250メートルの参道
    • 人形焼きや雷おこしなどの伝統的なお菓子やお土産を買える
  4. 三社祭:
    • 毎年5月に行われる浅草神社のお祭り
  5. 五重塔と伝法院庭園:
    • 浅草寺の本堂の近くに五重塔、寺の裏手に静かな日本庭園がえる



会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been really interested in Sensō-ji lately. Have you ever been?


Yes, I have! Sensō-ji is one of the most fascinating places in Tokyo. What caught your interest?


I heard it’s the oldest temple in Tokyo, founded way back in 628 AD. The history alone makes it worth a visit, don’t you think?


Absolutely. The history is rich, and you can really feel it when you’re there. The Kaminarimon, or Thunder Gate, is a must-see. It’s the entrance to Sensō-ji and has this massive red lantern that’s about 4 meters tall.


I’ve seen pictures of that! And aren’t there statues of the wind and thunder gods there too?


Exactly. The statues are on either side of the gate, and they’re quite impressive. After you pass through the Kaminarimon, you’ll find yourself on Nakamise Street. It’s a 250-meter long shopping street that’s been around since the Edo period.


Oh, that sounds like a great place to pick up some souvenirs. What kind of things do they sell there?


You’ll find all sorts of traditional Japanese items—souvenirs, handmade crafts, snacks like ningyo-yaki and kaminari-okoshi. It’s really fun to explore.


I’m definitely going to spend some time there. What about events? I heard Sensō-ji has some famous festivals.


Yes, the Sanja Matsuri in May is the most famous. It’s one of Tokyo’s biggest festivals, and the whole area gets so lively. There’s also the Hozuki Market in July and the Hagoita Market in December, both worth checking out.


That sounds amazing. I’d love to experience the Sanja Matsuri. What else should I look out for when visiting?


The five-story pagoda is beautiful, and if you have time, the Denboin Garden behind the temple is a peaceful spot, especially in the autumn when the leaves change color.


I didn’t know about the garden. I’ll have to check it out. What do you think makes Sensō-ji so special compared to other temples?


I think it’s a combination of its deep history, the lively atmosphere, especially around Nakamise Street, and its cultural significance. Plus, it’s so accessible from anywhere in Tokyo.


You’re right. The fact that it’s so easy to get to makes it even more appealing. I can’t wait to visit and see all these things for myself.


You’ll love it, Mack. Just be prepared for crowds, especially during the festivals, but that’s part of the charm too.


I’m sure it is. Thanks for all the tips, Key. I’m more excited than ever to visit Sensō-ji now.


Anytime! Enjoy your visit, and don’t forget to take a photo at the Kaminarimon!


Definitely. I’ll send you one when I’m there!


I’ll look forward to it. Have fun!

関連情報 / related information




Introduction to Sensō-ji
Sensō-ji is the oldest and one of the most famous temples in Tokyo, Japan. It was founded in 628 AD and is located in the Asakusa district. The temple is dedicated to Kannon, the Buddhist goddess of mercy. Many people visit Sensō-ji each year to pray and enjoy its historic and cultural atmosphere.

Kaminarimon and Nakamise Street
The entrance to Sensō-ji is marked by the Kaminarimon, or Thunder Gate. This gate has a giant red lantern and statues of the wind and thunder gods. After passing through the Kaminarimon, visitors enter Nakamise Street, a 250-meter long shopping street. Here, you can find traditional Japanese souvenirs and snacks, making it a fun place to explore.

Festivals and Events
Sensō-ji is known for hosting many famous festivals. The most well-known is the Sanja Matsuri, held in May. This festival is one of Tokyo’s biggest and attracts large crowds. Other events include the Hozuki Market in July and the Hagoita Market in December.

Special Features
Sensō-ji also has a beautiful five-story pagoda and the peaceful Denboin Garden. The temple is easily accessible from anywhere in Tokyo, making it a popular destination for both locals and tourists. Visiting Sensō-ji offers a rich experience of Japanese history and culture.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What is Sensō-ji?

Sensō-ji is the oldest temple in Tokyo, founded in 628 AD. It is dedicated to Kannon, the Buddhist goddess of mercy, and is located in the Asakusa district.

2: What is the Kaminarimon?

The Kaminarimon, also known as the Thunder Gate, is the iconic entrance to Sensō-ji. It features a giant red lantern and statues of the wind and thunder gods.

3: What can you find on Nakamise Street?
Nakamise Street is a 250-meter shopping street leading to Sensō-ji. It is lined with shops selling traditional Japanese souvenirs, snacks, and crafts.
4: When is the Sanja Matsuri held?

The Sanja Matsuri is held in May every year. It is one of Tokyo’s biggest and most lively festivals, attracting large crowds.

5: What is special about the five-story pagoda at Sensō-ji?

The five-story pagoda is a beautiful and iconic structure located near the main hall of Sensō-ji. It is one of the temple’s most photographed features.

6: What is the Denboin Garden?

The Denboin Garden is a peaceful Japanese garden located behind Sensō-ji. It is known for its beautiful scenery, especially during the autumn season.

7: Why is Sensō-ji a popular destination?

Sensō-ji is popular because of its deep history, cultural significance, and the lively atmosphere around it. It’s also easy to access from anywhere in Tokyo.

8: What is sold at the Hozuki Market?

The Hozuki Market, held in July, sells hozuki plants (Chinese lantern plants). It is a traditional event that attracts many visitors to Sensō-ji.

9: What is the Hagoita Market?

The Hagoita Market is held in December at Sensō-ji. It sells decorative paddles called hagoita, which are often used as New Year’s decorations.

10: How does Sensō-ji contribute to Japanese culture?

Sensō-ji contributes to Japanese culture by preserving its ancient traditions, hosting important festivals, and being a place where people can connect with the country’s spiritual and cultural heritage.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been really interested in Sensō-ji lately. Have you ever been?



Yes, I have! Sensō-ji is one of the most fascinating places in Tokyo. What caught your interest?



I heard it’s the oldest temple in Tokyo, founded way back in 628 AD. The history alone makes it worth a visit, don’t you think?



Absolutely. The history is rich, and you can really feel it when you’re there. The Kaminarimon, or Thunder Gate, is a must-see. It’s the entrance to Sensō-ji and has this massive red lantern that’s about 4 meters tall.



I’ve seen pictures of that! And aren’t there statues of the wind and thunder gods there too?



Exactly. The statues are on either side of the gate, and they’re quite impressive. After you pass through the Kaminarimon, you’ll find yourself on Nakamise Street. It’s a 250-meter long shopping street that’s been around since the Edo period.



Oh, that sounds like a great place to pick up some souvenirs. What kind of things do they sell there?



You’ll find all sorts of traditional Japanese items—souvenirs, handmade crafts, snacks like ningyo-yaki and kaminari-okoshi. It’s really fun to explore.



I’m definitely going to spend some time there. What about events? I heard Sensō-ji has some famous festivals.



Yes, the Sanja Matsuri in May is the most famous. It’s one of Tokyo’s biggest festivals, and the whole area gets so lively. There’s also the Hozuki Market in July and the Hagoita Market in December, both worth checking out.



That sounds amazing. I’d love to experience the Sanja Matsuri. What else should I look out for when visiting?



The five-story pagoda is beautiful, and if you have time, the Denboin Garden behind the temple is a peaceful spot, especially in the autumn when the leaves change color.



I didn’t know about the garden. I’ll have to check it out. What do you think makes Sensō-ji so special compared to other temples?



I think it’s a combination of its deep history, the lively atmosphere, especially around Nakamise Street, and its cultural significance. Plus, it’s so accessible from anywhere in Tokyo.



You’re right. The fact that it’s so easy to get to makes it even more appealing. I can’t wait to visit and see all these things for myself.



You’ll love it, Mack. Just be prepared for crowds, especially during the festivals, but that’s part of the charm too.



I’m sure it is. Thanks for all the tips, Key. I’m more excited than ever to visit Sensō-ji now.



Anytime! Enjoy your visit, and don’t forget to take a photo at the Kaminarimon!



Definitely. I’ll send you one when I’m there!



I’ll look forward to it. Have fun!


関連情報 / related information



Introduction to Sensō-ji
Sensō-ji is the oldest and one of the most famous temples in Tokyo, Japan. It was founded in 628 AD and is located in the Asakusa district. The temple is dedicated to Kannon, the Buddhist goddess of mercy. Many people visit Sensō-ji each year to pray and enjoy its historic and cultural atmosphere.


Kaminarimon and Nakamise Street
The entrance to Sensō-ji is marked by the Kaminarimon, or Thunder Gate. This gate has a giant red lantern and statues of the wind and thunder gods. After passing through the Kaminarimon, visitors enter Nakamise Street, a 250-meter long shopping street. Here, you can find traditional Japanese souvenirs and snacks, making it a fun place to explore.


Festivals and Events
Sensō-ji is known for hosting many famous festivals. The most well-known is the Sanja Matsuri, held in May. This festival is one of Tokyo’s biggest and attracts large crowds. Other events include the Hozuki Market in July and the Hagoita Market in December.


Special Features
Sensō-ji also has a beautiful five-story pagoda and the peaceful Denboin Garden. The temple is easily accessible from anywhere in Tokyo, making it a popular destination for both locals and tourists. Visiting Sensō-ji offers a rich experience of Japanese history and culture.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What is Sensō-ji?  

Sensō-ji is the oldest temple in Tokyo, founded in 628 AD. It is dedicated to Kannon, the Buddhist goddess of mercy, and is located in the Asakusa district.

2: What is the Kaminarimon?  

The Kaminarimon, also known as the Thunder Gate, is the iconic entrance to Sensō-ji. It features a giant red lantern and statues of the wind and thunder gods.

3: What can you find on Nakamise Street?  

Nakamise Street is a 250-meter shopping street leading to Sensō-ji. It is lined with shops selling traditional Japanese souvenirs, snacks, and crafts.

4: When is the Sanja Matsuri held?  

The Sanja Matsuri is held in May every year. It is one of Tokyo’s biggest and most lively festivals, attracting large crowds.

5: What is special about the five-story pagoda at Sensō-ji?  

The five-story pagoda is a beautiful and iconic structure located near the main hall of Sensō-ji. It is one of the temple’s most photographed features.

6: What is the Denboin Garden?  

The Denboin Garden is a peaceful Japanese garden located behind Sensō-ji. It is known for its beautiful scenery, especially during the autumn season.

7: Why is Sensō-ji a popular destination?  

Sensō-ji is popular because of its deep history, cultural significance, and the lively atmosphere around it. It’s also easy to access from anywhere in Tokyo.

8: What is sold at the Hozuki Market?  

The Hozuki Market, held in July, sells hozuki plants (Chinese lantern plants). It is a traditional event that attracts many visitors to Sensō-ji.

9: What is the Hagoita Market?  

The Hagoita Market is held in December at Sensō-ji. It sells decorative paddles called hagoita, which are often used as New Year’s decorations.

10: How does Sensō-ji contribute to Japanese culture?  

Sensō-ji contributes to Japanese culture by preserving its ancient traditions, hosting important festivals, and being a place where people can connect with the country’s spiritual and cultural heritage.

words & phrases



fascinating : 形容詞
意味: 魅力的な、心を引きつける。Extremely interesting and attractive.

  • The history of Sensō-ji is absolutely fascinating.
  • She told a fascinating story about her travels.
  • The museum’s exhibition was fascinating to all the visitors.

massive : 形容詞
意味: 非常に大きい、巨大な。Very large, heavy, and solid.

  • The Kaminarimon has a massive red lantern.
  • They built a massive bridge over the river.
  • The earthquake caused massive damage to the city.

pagoda : 名詞
意味: 仏塔。A tiered tower with multiple eaves, often found in Buddhist temples.

  • The five-story pagoda at Sensō-ji is very iconic.
  • We visited a beautiful pagoda in Kyoto.
  • The pagoda is surrounded by a serene garden.

district : 名詞
意味: 地区、地域。An area of a city or country, especially one with a particular characteristic or function.

  • Sensō-ji is located in the Asakusa district.
  • The shopping district was crowded with people.
  • They live in a quiet district of the city.

dedicated : 形容詞
意味: 専念した、献身的な、~に捧げられた。Devoted to a task or purpose; exclusively allocated to or intended for a particular purpose.

  • Sensō-ji is dedicated to Kannon, the Buddhist goddess of mercy.
  • She is dedicated to her work and often stays late at the office.
  • The new park is dedicated to the memory of the town’s founder.
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