時代祭 – 英語で説明するために – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. 時代祭とは:
    • 京都の三大祭りの一つ、毎年10月22日に開催
    • 京都が首都として創建されてから1100周年を記念して始まった
  2. パレードの特徴:
    • 平安時代から明治時代までの日本の歴史を逆年代順で再現
    • 京都御所から平安神宮までの約4.5キロメートルを行進
  3. 京都三大祭りの一つ:
    • 祇園祭(7月)、葵祭(5月)と並んで京都三大祭りの一つ



会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been reading a lot about the Jidai Matsuri lately. I’m really interested in it and want to learn more. Have you ever been to it?


Yes, I’ve been a couple of times. It’s one of Kyoto’s three major festivals, along with the Gion Matsuri and Aoi Matsuri. The Jidai Matsuri is fascinating because it’s like a live history lesson.


I read that it started in 1895. Do you know why it was created?


Absolutely. It was created to celebrate the 1,100th anniversary of Kyoto’s founding as the capital of Japan. The Heian Shrine, where the festival ends, was also built for this occasion. They wanted to honor Kyoto’s rich history, especially since the capital had moved to Tokyo in 1868 during the Meiji Restoration.


That’s interesting! I also learned that the parade goes in reverse chronological order, starting from the Meiji period and going back to the Heian period. Why do they do it that way?


It’s designed to take viewers on a journey back in time. You start with the most recent history and then go deeper into the past, all the way back to when Kyoto became the capital. It really emphasizes how much history Kyoto holds.


The parade sounds like a highlight. About 2,000 people participate, right?


Yes, and they’re all dressed in period costumes. The detail is incredible—everything from the samurai armor to the noblewomen’s kimonos is meticulously crafted. The parade covers about 4.5 kilometers, starting at the Kyoto Imperial Palace and ending at the Heian Shrine.


How long does it take?


The whole procession takes about 2 to 2.5 hours. It’s a slow, majestic march, so you can really take in the sights.


What do you think is the most interesting part of the parade?


I’d say the variety. You get to see different eras of Japanese history represented, from the warriors of the Kamakura period to the court nobles of the Heian period. It’s like watching Japan’s history unfold right in front of you.


I also read that the festival helps preserve Kyoto’s cultural influence, even after the capital moved to Tokyo. That’s pretty significant, isn’t it?


Exactly. The Jidai Matsuri plays a big role in keeping Kyoto’s history alive and passing it on to future generations. It’s more than just a parade; it’s a way for the city to maintain its identity and heritage.


I’m definitely planning to go next year. It sounds like an amazing way to experience Kyoto’s history firsthand.


You should! It’s an unforgettable experience. Just make sure to arrive early to get a good spot along the parade route.


Thanks for the tips, Key. I’m really excited to see it in person.


You’ll love it. It’s one of those events that really connects you to Japan’s past in a meaningful way.

関連情報 / related information




What is the Jidai Matsuri?
The Jidai Matsuri, or “Festival of the Ages,” is one of Kyoto’s most important festivals. It takes place every year on October 22nd. The festival started in 1895 to celebrate the 1,100th anniversary of Kyoto becoming the capital of Japan. It was created to honor Kyoto’s rich history, especially after the capital moved to Tokyo during the Meiji Restoration in 1868.

The Parade
The highlight of the Jidai Matsuri is a grand parade. Around 2,000 people dress in traditional costumes from different periods of Japanese history. The parade goes in reverse chronological order, starting from the Meiji period and going back to the Heian period. It begins at the Kyoto Imperial Palace and ends at the Heian Shrine, covering about 4.5 kilometers.

Importance of the Festival
The Jidai Matsuri is more than just a parade; it is a way to preserve and celebrate Kyoto’s cultural heritage. It helps maintain Kyoto’s historical significance and connects people with Japan’s past. The festival is one of Kyoto’s three major festivals, along with the Gion Matsuri and Aoi Matsuri, and attracts many visitors every year.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What is the Jidai Matsuri?

The Jidai Matsuri is a historical festival in Kyoto, held every year on October 22nd. It celebrates Kyoto’s long history, particularly the 1,100th anniversary of its founding as the capital of Japan.

2: When did the Jidai Matsuri start?

The Jidai Matsuri began in 1895 to commemorate the 1,100th anniversary of Kyoto becoming Japan’s capital.

3: What is the main event of the Jidai Matsuri?
The main event of the Jidai Matsuri is a large parade with about 2,000 participants wearing costumes from different periods of Japanese history, from the Meiji period back to the Heian period.
4: Where does the Jidai Matsuri parade take place?

The parade starts at the Kyoto Imperial Palace and ends at the Heian Shrine, covering a route of about 4.5 kilometers.

5: How long does the Jidai Matsuri parade take?

The parade usually takes about 2 to 2.5 hours to complete.

6: What is the purpose of the Jidai Matsuri?

The purpose of the Jidai Matsuri is to honor Kyoto’s history and cultural heritage, and to preserve the traditions and historical significance of the city.

7: What eras are represented in the Jidai Matsuri parade?

The parade represents various periods of Japanese history, including the Meiji, Edo, Azuchi-Momoyama, Muromachi, Kamakura, and Heian periods.

8: Why does the Jidai Matsuri parade go in reverse chronological order?

The parade goes in reverse chronological order to take viewers on a journey back in time, from the most recent history to the earliest days of Kyoto as the capital.

9: Is the Jidai Matsuri part of Kyoto’s major festivals?

Yes, the Jidai Matsuri is one of Kyoto’s three major festivals, along with the Gion Matsuri and Aoi Matsuri.

10: What is the significance of the Heian Shrine in the Jidai Matsuri?

The Heian Shrine is significant because it was built in 1895 as part of the celebration of Kyoto’s 1,100th anniversary, and it serves as the endpoint of the Jidai Matsuri parade.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been reading a lot about the Jidai Matsuri lately. I’m really interested in it and want to learn more. Have you ever been to it?



Yes, I’ve been a couple of times. It’s one of Kyoto’s three major festivals, along with the Gion Matsuri and Aoi Matsuri. The Jidai Matsuri is fascinating because it’s like a live history lesson.



I read that it started in 1895. Do you know why it was created?



Absolutely. It was created to celebrate the 1,100th anniversary of Kyoto’s founding as the capital of Japan. The Heian Shrine, where the festival ends, was also built for this occasion. They wanted to honor Kyoto’s rich history, especially since the capital had moved to Tokyo in 1868 during the Meiji Restoration.



That’s interesting! I also learned that the parade goes in reverse chronological order, starting from the Meiji period and going back to the Heian period. Why do they do it that way?



It’s designed to take viewers on a journey back in time. You start with the most recent history and then go deeper into the past, all the way back to when Kyoto became the capital. It really emphasizes how much history Kyoto holds.



The parade sounds like a highlight. About 2,000 people participate, right?



Yes, and they’re all dressed in period costumes. The detail is incredible—everything from the samurai armor to the noblewomen’s kimonos is meticulously crafted. The parade covers about 4.5 kilometers, starting at the Kyoto Imperial Palace and ending at the Heian Shrine.



How long does it take?



The whole procession takes about 2 to 2.5 hours. It’s a slow, majestic march, so you can really take in the sights.



What do you think is the most interesting part of the parade?



I’d say the variety. You get to see different eras of Japanese history represented, from the warriors of the Kamakura period to the court nobles of the Heian period. It’s like watching Japan’s history unfold right in front of you.



I also read that the festival helps preserve Kyoto’s cultural influence, even after the capital moved to Tokyo. That’s pretty significant, isn’t it?



Exactly. The Jidai Matsuri plays a big role in keeping Kyoto’s history alive and passing it on to future generations. It’s more than just a parade; it’s a way for the city to maintain its identity and heritage.



I’m definitely planning to go next year. It sounds like an amazing way to experience Kyoto’s history firsthand.



You should! It’s an unforgettable experience. Just make sure to arrive early to get a good spot along the parade route.



Thanks for the tips, Key. I’m really excited to see it in person.



You’ll love it. It’s one of those events that really connects you to Japan’s past in a meaningful way.


関連情報 / related information



What is the Jidai Matsuri?
The Jidai Matsuri, or “Festival of the Ages,” is one of Kyoto’s most important festivals. It takes place every year on October 22nd. The festival started in 1895 to celebrate the 1,100th anniversary of Kyoto becoming the capital of Japan. It was created to honor Kyoto’s rich history, especially after the capital moved to Tokyo during the Meiji Restoration in 1868.


The Parade
The highlight of the Jidai Matsuri is a grand parade. Around 2,000 people dress in traditional costumes from different periods of Japanese history. The parade goes in reverse chronological order, starting from the Meiji period and going back to the Heian period. It begins at the Kyoto Imperial Palace and ends at the Heian Shrine, covering about 4.5 kilometers.


Importance of the Festival
The Jidai Matsuri is more than just a parade; it is a way to preserve and celebrate Kyoto’s cultural heritage. It helps maintain Kyoto’s historical significance and connects people with Japan’s past. The festival is one of Kyoto’s three major festivals, along with the Gion Matsuri and Aoi Matsuri, and attracts many visitors every year.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What is the Jidai Matsuri?

The Jidai Matsuri is a historical festival in Kyoto, held every year on October 22nd. It celebrates Kyoto’s long history, particularly the 1,100th anniversary of its founding as the capital of Japan.

2: When did the Jidai Matsuri start?

The Jidai Matsuri began in 1895 to commemorate the 1,100th anniversary of Kyoto becoming Japan’s capital.

3: What is the main event of the Jidai Matsuri?

The main event of the Jidai Matsuri is a large parade with about 2,000 participants wearing costumes from different periods of Japanese history, from the Meiji period back to the Heian period.

4: Where does the Jidai Matsuri parade take place?

The parade starts at the Kyoto Imperial Palace and ends at the Heian Shrine, covering a route of about 4.5 kilometers.

5: How long does the Jidai Matsuri parade take?

The parade usually takes about 2 to 2.5 hours to complete.

6: What is the purpose of the Jidai Matsuri?

The purpose of the Jidai Matsuri is to honor Kyoto’s history and cultural heritage, and to preserve the traditions and historical significance of the city.

7: What eras are represented in the Jidai Matsuri parade?

The parade represents various periods of Japanese history, including the Meiji, Edo, Azuchi-Momoyama, Muromachi, Kamakura, and Heian periods.

8: Why does the Jidai Matsuri parade go in reverse chronological order?

The parade goes in reverse chronological order to take viewers on a journey back in time, from the most recent history to the earliest days of Kyoto as the capital.

9: Is the Jidai Matsuri part of Kyoto’s major festivals?

Yes, the Jidai Matsuri is one of Kyoto’s three major festivals, along with the Gion Matsuri and Aoi Matsuri.

10: What is the significance of the Heian Shrine in the Jidai Matsuri?

The Heian Shrine is significant because it was built in 1895 as part of the celebration of Kyoto’s 1,100th anniversary, and it serves as the endpoint of the Jidai Matsuri parade.

words & phrases



chronological : 形容詞
意味: 時系列の、年代順の。Arranged in the order in which events happened in time.

  • The events were listed in chronological order.
  • We need to organize these files in chronological order.
  • The story is told in chronological order, starting from his childhood.

meticulously : 副詞
意味: 細心の注意を払って、注意深く。In a way that shows great attention to detail; very carefully and precisely.

  • She meticulously planned every detail of the wedding.
  • The model was meticulously crafted by hand.
  • He meticulously checked his work for any errors.

procession : 名詞
意味: 行列、行進。A line or group of people or vehicles moving forward in an orderly, often ceremonial way.

  • The wedding procession moved slowly through the streets.
  • A procession of cars followed the hearse to the cemetery.
  • The festival included a procession of dancers and musicians.

take in the sights : フレーズ
意味: 観光する、見物する。To visit and see the famous or interesting sights of a place.

  • We spent the afternoon taking in the sights of the city.
  • Tourists flocked to the area to take in the sights.
  • She plans to take in the sights while visiting Paris.

unfold : 動詞
意味: 展開する、広がる。To develop, reveal, or be revealed gradually.

  • The drama unfolded slowly, keeping the audience in suspense.
  • As the story unfolded, the mystery became clearer.
  • She watched the events unfold from her window.
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