箱根彫刻の森美術館 – 英語で説明 – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. 箱根彫刻の森美術館の概要:
    • 1969年に開館した日本初の屋外美術館
    • 約7万平方メートルの広大な敷地に現代彫刻を展示
  2. 見どころ:
    • 有名な彫刻家ヘンリー・ムーアの「アーチ状の脚のある横たわる像」や、ピカソ館に展示された約300点のピカソの作品(特に陶芸)が人気
    • 家族連れで楽しめる「ネットの森」などのインタラクティブな展示もある
  3. ベストシーズン:
    • 春(桜や新緑の美しい時期)と秋(紅葉の季節)が特におすすめ
  4. 周辺の観光スポット:
    • 大涌谷:活火山の噴煙地帯で、名物は黒卵
    • 芦ノ湖:箱根の代表的な湖で、遊覧船がある
    • 箱根神社:芦ノ湖畔にある有名な神社
  5. アクセス:
    • 新宿から小田急ロマンスカーで箱根湯本駅へ、そこから箱根登山鉄道を利用して「彫刻の森駅」まで簡単に行ける



会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been thinking about visiting the Hakone Open-Air Museum. Have you been there?


Yes, I’ve been a couple of times. It’s a great place, especially if you love art and nature. What made you interested?


I read that it’s Japan’s first open-air museum, and I’m really drawn to the idea of seeing sculptures outdoors. Plus, I heard they have some works by Henry Moore and Picasso. I’d love to see those.


You’ll love it! The outdoor sculpture garden is amazing. They have about 120 sculptures displayed across 70,000 square meters of beautiful landscape. Moore’s “Reclining Figure: Arch Leg” is one of the highlights. It’s huge and blends perfectly with the nature around it.


That sounds incredible. I’m also curious about the Picasso Pavilion. Do they really have 300 pieces there?


Yes, they do. It’s a special collection featuring Picasso’s ceramics, paintings, and sculptures. It’s fascinating because you get to see a side of Picasso that’s not as well-known, especially his ceramics. It’s definitely a must-see.


I didn’t know he did so much ceramic work! I’m definitely going to check that out. How long do you think I should plan to stay there?


Most people spend about 2 to 3 hours there. That gives you enough time to walk around the outdoor sculptures, visit the Picasso Pavilion, and even relax at the hot spring foot bath.


They have a foot bath? That’s awesome! It sounds like a great way to take a break after all the walking.


Exactly! It’s a hot spring foot bath where you can rest your feet while looking at the sculptures and the surrounding nature. It’s one of the most relaxing parts of the visit.


I’m thinking of going this spring. Do you think that’s a good time?


Spring is perfect. The cherry blossoms and fresh greenery make the whole place feel even more magical. Autumn is also great with the colorful leaves, but spring might be just what you’re looking for.


I was torn between spring and autumn, but I think I’ll go with spring for the cherry blossoms. How’s the access from Tokyo?


It’s really convenient. You can take the Odakyu Romancecar from Shinjuku to Hakone-Yumoto Station, and then transfer to the Hakone Tozan Railway. The museum is just a short walk from Chokoku-no-Mori Station.


That sounds easy enough. What about lunch? Should I bring something or are there places to eat nearby?


There’s a café inside the museum where you can grab lunch or a snack, but if you have time, there are some nice restaurants in the area too. You could even explore nearby attractions like Owakudani or Lake Ashi after the museum.


That’s a good idea! I’ve heard about Owakudani and its black eggs. Maybe I’ll head there after the museum.


Owakudani is definitely worth checking out. And if you have time, take a cruise on Lake Ashi or visit Hakone Shrine. Both are close by and make for a great day trip.


Thanks for the tips, Key. I think I’ll plan a full day in Hakone and make the most of it. The Hakone Open-Air Museum sounds like the perfect start.


You won’t regret it, Mack. It’s one of those places that stay with you long after you visit. Have fun!


I’m sure I will. I can’t wait!

関連情報 / related information




The Hakone Open-Air Museum, located in Hakone, Japan, is a famous outdoor art museum that opened in 1969. It is Japan’s first open-air museum and is known for its unique combination of art and nature. The museum spans about 70,000 square meters and features modern sculptures from renowned artists.

Art and Nature
One of the museum’s main attractions is its collection of about 120 sculptures displayed in a beautiful natural setting. Visitors can see works by famous artists such as Henry Moore and Joan Miró. The museum’s outdoor environment changes with the seasons, making each visit unique. Spring offers cherry blossoms, and autumn features stunning fall colors.

Picasso Pavilion
The Picasso Pavilion is a special exhibition space that houses around 300 of Pablo Picasso’s works. These include paintings, ceramics, and sculptures, giving visitors a deep insight into Picasso’s artistic range. The pavilion is one of the most popular spots in the museum.

Family-Friendly and Relaxation
The museum is also family-friendly, with interactive art installations like the “Woods of Net,” where children can play. Visitors can relax in a hot spring foot bath while enjoying the art and the surrounding scenery, offering a perfect blend of culture and relaxation.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What is the Hakone Open-Air Museum?

The Hakone Open-Air Museum is Japan’s first open-air art museum, opened in 1969. It is located in Hakone and features around 120 sculptures in a beautiful natural setting.

2: What kind of art is displayed at the Hakone Open-Air Museum?

The museum displays modern and contemporary sculptures from famous artists like Henry Moore, Rodin, and Joan Miró. There is also a special Picasso Pavilion with about 300 of Picasso’s works.

3: How big is the museum?
The museum spans about 70,000 square meters, allowing visitors to enjoy art in an expansive outdoor space surrounded by nature.
4: What is the Picasso Pavilion?

The Picasso Pavilion is a special exhibition space within the museum that showcases about 300 of Pablo Picasso’s works, including ceramics, paintings, and sculptures.

5: Can children enjoy the Hakone Open-Air Museum?

Yes, the museum is family-friendly and has interactive exhibits like the “Woods of Net,” where children can play. It’s a great place for visitors of all ages.

6: Is there a place to relax in the museum?

Yes, the museum has a hot spring foot bath where visitors can relax their feet while enjoying the surrounding art and nature.

7: When is the best time to visit the Hakone Open-Air Museum?

The best times to visit are in spring, when you can see cherry blossoms, and in autumn, when the fall leaves create a stunning background for the sculptures.

8: How can I get to the Hakone Open-Air Museum from Tokyo?

You can take the Odakyu Romancecar from Shinjuku to Hakone-Yumoto Station and then transfer to the Hakone Tozan Railway. The museum is a short walk from Chokoku-no-Mori Station.

9: How long should I plan to stay at the museum?

Most visitors spend about 2 to 3 hours at the museum, which is enough time to explore the sculptures, visit the Picasso Pavilion, and relax at the foot bath.

10: Are there other attractions near the Hakone Open-Air Museum?

Yes, nearby attractions include Owakudani, famous for its volcanic activity and black eggs, as well as Lake Ashi and Hakone Shrine, which are great for sightseeing after your museum visit.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, I’ve been thinking about visiting the Hakone Open-Air Museum. Have you been there?



Yes, I’ve been a couple of times. It’s a great place, especially if you love art and nature. What made you interested?



I read that it’s Japan’s first open-air museum, and I’m really drawn to the idea of seeing sculptures outdoors. Plus, I heard they have some works by Henry Moore and Picasso. I’d love to see those.



You’ll love it! The outdoor sculpture garden is amazing. They have about 120 sculptures displayed across 70,000 square meters of beautiful landscape. Moore’s “Reclining Figure: Arch Leg” is one of the highlights. It’s huge and blends perfectly with the nature around it.



That sounds incredible. I’m also curious about the Picasso Pavilion. Do they really have 300 pieces there?



Yes, they do. It’s a special collection featuring Picasso’s ceramics, paintings, and sculptures. It’s fascinating because you get to see a side of Picasso that’s not as well-known, especially his ceramics. It’s definitely a must-see.



I didn’t know he did so much ceramic work! I’m definitely going to check that out. How long do you think I should plan to stay there?



Most people spend about 2 to 3 hours there. That gives you enough time to walk around the outdoor sculptures, visit the Picasso Pavilion, and even relax at the hot spring foot bath.



They have a foot bath? That’s awesome! It sounds like a great way to take a break after all the walking.



Exactly! It’s a hot spring foot bath where you can rest your feet while looking at the sculptures and the surrounding nature. It’s one of the most relaxing parts of the visit.



I’m thinking of going this spring. Do you think that’s a good time?



Spring is perfect. The cherry blossoms and fresh greenery make the whole place feel even more magical. Autumn is also great with the colorful leaves, but spring might be just what you’re looking for.



I was torn between spring and autumn, but I think I’ll go with spring for the cherry blossoms. How’s the access from Tokyo?



It’s really convenient. You can take the Odakyu Romancecar from Shinjuku to Hakone-Yumoto Station, and then transfer to the Hakone Tozan Railway. The museum is just a short walk from Chokoku-no-Mori Station.



That sounds easy enough. What about lunch? Should I bring something or are there places to eat nearby?



There’s a café inside the museum where you can grab lunch or a snack, but if you have time, there are some nice restaurants in the area too. You could even explore nearby attractions like Owakudani or Lake Ashi after the museum.



That’s a good idea! I’ve heard about Owakudani and its black eggs. Maybe I’ll head there after the museum.



Owakudani is definitely worth checking out. And if you have time, take a cruise on Lake Ashi or visit Hakone Shrine. Both are close by and make for a great day trip.



Thanks for the tips, Key. I think I’ll plan a full day in Hakone and make the most of it. The Hakone Open-Air Museum sounds like the perfect start.



You won’t regret it, Mack. It’s one of those places that stay with you long after you visit. Have fun!



I’m sure I will. I can’t wait!


関連情報 / related information



The Hakone Open-Air Museum, located in Hakone, Japan, is a famous outdoor art museum that opened in 1969. It is Japan’s first open-air museum and is known for its unique combination of art and nature. The museum spans about 70,000 square meters and features modern sculptures from renowned artists.


Art and Nature
One of the museum’s main attractions is its collection of about 120 sculptures displayed in a beautiful natural setting. Visitors can see works by famous artists such as Henry Moore and Joan Miró. The museum’s outdoor environment changes with the seasons, making each visit unique. Spring offers cherry blossoms, and autumn features stunning fall colors.


Picasso Pavilion
The Picasso Pavilion is a special exhibition space that houses around 300 of Pablo Picasso’s works. These include paintings, ceramics, and sculptures, giving visitors a deep insight into Picasso’s artistic range. The pavilion is one of the most popular spots in the museum.


Family-Friendly and Relaxation
The museum is also family-friendly, with interactive art installations like the “Woods of Net,” where children can play. Visitors can relax in a hot spring foot bath while enjoying the art and the surrounding scenery, offering a perfect blend of culture and relaxation.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What is the Hakone Open-Air Museum?  

The Hakone Open-Air Museum is Japan’s first open-air art museum, opened in 1969. It is located in Hakone and features around 120 sculptures in a beautiful natural setting.

2: What kind of art is displayed at the Hakone Open-Air Museum?  

The museum displays modern and contemporary sculptures from famous artists like Henry Moore, Rodin, and Joan Miró. There is also a special Picasso Pavilion with about 300 of Picasso’s works.

3: How big is the museum?  

The museum spans about 70,000 square meters, allowing visitors to enjoy art in an expansive outdoor space surrounded by nature.

4: What is the Picasso Pavilion?  

The Picasso Pavilion is a special exhibition space within the museum that showcases about 300 of Pablo Picasso’s works, including ceramics, paintings, and sculptures.

5: Can children enjoy the Hakone Open-Air Museum?  

Yes, the museum is family-friendly and has interactive exhibits like the “Woods of Net,” where children can play. It’s a great place for visitors of all ages.

6: Is there a place to relax in the museum?  

Yes, the museum has a hot spring foot bath where visitors can relax their feet while enjoying the surrounding art and nature.

7: When is the best time to visit the Hakone Open-Air Museum?  

The best times to visit are in spring, when you can see cherry blossoms, and in autumn, when the fall leaves create a stunning background for the sculptures.

8: How can I get to the Hakone Open-Air Museum from Tokyo?  

You can take the Odakyu Romancecar from Shinjuku to Hakone-Yumoto Station and then transfer to the Hakone Tozan Railway. The museum is a short walk from Chokoku-no-Mori Station.

9: How long should I plan to stay at the museum?  

Most visitors spend about 2 to 3 hours at the museum, which is enough time to explore the sculptures, visit the Picasso Pavilion, and relax at the foot bath.

10: Are there other attractions near the Hakone Open-Air Museum?  

Yes, nearby attractions include Owakudani, famous for its volcanic activity and black eggs, as well as Lake Ashi and Hakone Shrine, which are great for sightseeing after your museum visit.

words & phrases



sculpture : 名詞
意味: 彫刻、彫像。A three-dimensional artwork created by shaping or carving materials such as stone, wood, or metal.

  • The museum features many famous sculptures by modern artists.
  • He spent months working on a marble sculpture.
  • There is a beautiful bronze sculpture in the park.

ceramic : 名詞、形容詞
意味: 陶器、陶磁器。A material made by heating and shaping clay or other inorganic substances, often used to create dishes, vases, and art objects.

  • The museum’s Picasso Pavilion includes several beautiful ceramic pieces.
  • My grandmother collects antique ceramics from Japan.
  • The artist is famous for his colorful ceramic sculptures.

blend : 動詞、名詞
意味: 混ぜる、調和する。To mix or combine substances smoothly, or to harmonize different elements.

  • The sculpture blends perfectly with the surrounding nature.
  • He carefully blended the colors to create a smooth gradient.
  • The artist’s work is a blend of traditional and modern styles.

rest : 動詞、名詞

  • 意味: 休む、休息する。To relax or take a break after activity, or a period of relaxation.
  • After walking around the museum, you can rest at the hot spring foot bath.
  • I need to rest after such a long day of work.
  • A short rest will help you feel better.

house : 動詞、名詞

  • 意味: 動詞としては「収容する」、名詞としては「家、建物」。As a verb, it means to provide space or accommodation for something; as a noun, it refers to a building where people live.
  • The Picasso Pavilion houses around 300 pieces of Picasso’s work.
  • This building houses one of the largest art collections in the country.
  • Our library houses thousands of rare books.
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