谷根千 – 英語で説明するために – 英会話形式で学ぶ 







  1. 谷根千(谷中・根津・千駄木)とは
    • 東京の下町エリアで、昔ながらの街並みが残る地域
    • 第二次世界大戦や近代開発の影響を受けず、伝統的な雰囲気が保たれている
  2. 主な見どころ
    • 谷中霊園:広大な霊園で、春には桜が美しいスポット
    • 根津神社:東京で最も古い神社の一つで、春のつつじ祭りが有名
    • 谷中銀座商店街:食べ歩きが楽しめる商店街
  3. 文化体験
    • 着物レンタルや陶芸、書道などのワークショップが楽しめる
  4. 訪問のベストシーズン
    • 春の桜や秋の紅葉が美しいため、春と秋が特におすすめ
  5. アクセス方法
    • 東京メトロ千代田線の根津駅、千駄木駅、またはJR山手線の日暮里駅が便利



会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, have you ever been to Yanesen? I’ve been hearing a lot about it recently, and I’m really interested in checking it out.


Oh, Yanesen? Yeah, it’s a great area! It’s one of those places in Tokyo where you can really feel the old atmosphere of the city. You’ll love it.


That’s what I heard! I read that it wasn’t affected by the war or modern development, so it keeps that traditional Tokyo feel. Is that true?


Exactly. The streets are narrow, and there are lots of wooden houses and temples that give it that nostalgic vibe. It feels like a trip back in time.


I’d love to walk around and see those historic streets. Any spots I shouldn’t miss?


Definitely. You should visit Yanaka Cemetery. It’s huge and really peaceful. In spring, it’s famous for its cherry blossoms.


That sounds amazing. I’m also curious about Nezu Shrine. I heard it’s one of the oldest shrines in Tokyo.


Yes, Nezu Shrine is beautiful, especially during the azalea festival in spring. It also has that iconic tunnel of red torii gates, which is perfect for photos.


Sounds like spring is the best time to go. Is autumn good too?


For sure! In autumn, you can enjoy the colorful leaves. Yanesen has a lot of greenery, so both spring and autumn are perfect seasons to visit.


I’m thinking of trying some street food there. Is Yanaka Ginza a good spot for that?


Absolutely. Yanaka Ginza Shopping Street is famous for its food stalls. You can grab a menchi katsu—fried minced meat cutlet—or some dango while you walk around.


That sounds delicious. I’d love to try both! What about cultural experiences? Are there any workshops or traditional crafts?


Yes, you can join pottery or calligraphy workshops. There are also some places where you can rent a kimono and stroll around the area. It really adds to the experience.


Kimono rental sounds fun! Walking around in a kimono would make it feel even more authentic.


Exactly. And don’t forget to check out the small art galleries and cafes. Nezu and Sendagi are full of them, and they have a nice retro vibe.


I’m really excited now. How do I get there?


It’s easy. You can take the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line and get off at Nezu or Sendagi Station. Or, if you prefer JR, you can get off at Nippori Station and walk to Yanaka. It’s about a 10-minute walk.


That’s super convenient. I live pretty close to the Chiyoda Line, so I’ll probably take that.


Good choice. And since you’re going in either spring or autumn, the weather should be perfect for walking.


Thanks for the tips, Key. I can’t wait to visit Yanesen and try all the things you mentioned.


No problem, Mack. Let me know how it goes, and maybe we can go together next time!

関連情報 / related information




What is Yanesen?
Yanesen is a neighborhood in Tokyo made up of three areas: Yanaka, Nezu, and Sendagi. It is known for keeping the old Tokyo atmosphere, with traditional wooden houses, narrow streets, and historic temples. Unlike other parts of the city, Yanesen wasn’t affected by the war or modern development, so it feels like stepping back in time.

Popular Spots
One of the most popular spots is Yanaka Cemetery, which is large and peaceful, especially in spring when the cherry blossoms bloom. Nezu Shrine is another famous place. It’s one of Tokyo’s oldest shrines and is famous for its red torii gate tunnel and the azalea festival in spring. Yanaka Ginza Shopping Street is also popular for street food and traditional shops.

Things to Do
In Yanesen, you can rent a kimono and walk around, which makes the experience more authentic. There are also craft workshops where you can try pottery or calligraphy. The area is full of small art galleries and cafes, perfect for relaxing.

Best Time to Visit
The best seasons to visit Yanesen are spring and autumn. In spring, you can enjoy the cherry blossoms, and in autumn, the colorful leaves are beautiful. Both seasons are great for walking and exploring the area.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What is Yanesen?

Yanesen is a historic neighborhood in Tokyo made up of three areas: Yanaka, Nezu, and Sendagi. It is known for its old Tokyo atmosphere, with narrow streets, traditional houses, and temples.

2: Why is Yanesen popular?

Yanesen is popular because it has preserved the charm of old Tokyo. Visitors enjoy walking through its quiet streets, visiting historic sites, and trying local foods.

3: What can you do in Yanesen?
In Yanesen, you can visit temples and shrines, join craft workshops, rent a kimono to walk around, and enjoy street food in Yanaka Ginza.
4: What is Yanaka Cemetery known for?

Yanaka Cemetery is famous for its peaceful atmosphere and cherry blossoms in the spring. It’s a popular place for walks and history lovers.

5: Why is Nezu Shrine special?

Nezu Shrine is one of Tokyo’s oldest shrines. It is famous for its beautiful red torii gate tunnel and its azalea festival in spring.

6: What kind of street food can you try in Yanesen?

In Yanesen, you can try local favorites like menchi katsu (fried minced meat cutlet) and dango (sweet rice dumplings) in Yanaka Ginza.

7: When is the best time to visit Yanesen?

The best times to visit Yanesen are in spring for the cherry blossoms and in autumn for the colorful leaves. Both seasons offer pleasant weather for walking.

8: How do you get to Yanesen?

You can take the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line to Nezu or Sendagi Station. Alternatively, you can take the JR Yamanote Line to Nippori Station and walk to Yanaka.

9: Can you join any cultural experiences in Yanesen?

Yes, you can join pottery and calligraphy workshops in Yanesen, or rent a kimono to enhance your experience while exploring the historic streets.

10: Why do many tourists visit Yanesen?

Many tourists visit Yanesen to experience the nostalgic feel of old Tokyo, enjoy traditional foods, and explore historical temples and shrines.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, have you ever been to Yanesen? I’ve been hearing a lot about it recently, and I’m really interested in checking it out.



Oh, Yanesen? Yeah, it’s a great area! It’s one of those places in Tokyo where you can really feel the old atmosphere of the city. You’ll love it.



That’s what I heard! I read that it wasn’t affected by the war or modern development, so it keeps that traditional Tokyo feel. Is that true?



Exactly. The streets are narrow, and there are lots of wooden houses and temples that give it that nostalgic vibe. It feels like a trip back in time.



I’d love to walk around and see those historic streets. Any spots I shouldn’t miss?



Definitely. You should visit Yanaka Cemetery. It’s huge and really peaceful. In spring, it’s famous for its cherry blossoms.



That sounds amazing. I’m also curious about Nezu Shrine. I heard it’s one of the oldest shrines in Tokyo.



Yes, Nezu Shrine is beautiful, especially during the azalea festival in spring. It also has that iconic tunnel of red torii gates, which is perfect for photos.



Sounds like spring is the best time to go. Is autumn good too?



For sure! In autumn, you can enjoy the colorful leaves. Yanesen has a lot of greenery, so both spring and autumn are perfect seasons to visit.



I’m thinking of trying some street food there. Is Yanaka Ginza a good spot for that?



Absolutely. Yanaka Ginza Shopping Street is famous for its food stalls. You can grab a menchi katsu—fried minced meat cutlet—or some dango while you walk around.



That sounds delicious. I’d love to try both! What about cultural experiences? Are there any workshops or traditional crafts?



Yes, you can join pottery or calligraphy workshops. There are also some places where you can rent a kimono and stroll around the area. It really adds to the experience.



Kimono rental sounds fun! Walking around in a kimono would make it feel even more authentic.



Exactly. And don’t forget to check out the small art galleries and cafes. Nezu and Sendagi are full of them, and they have a nice retro vibe.



I’m really excited now. How do I get there?



It’s easy. You can take the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line and get off at Nezu or Sendagi Station. Or, if you prefer JR, you can get off at Nippori Station and walk to Yanaka. It’s about a 10-minute walk.



That’s super convenient. I live pretty close to the Chiyoda Line, so I’ll probably take that.



Good choice. And since you’re going in either spring or autumn, the weather should be perfect for walking.



Thanks for the tips, Key. I can’t wait to visit Yanesen and try all the things you mentioned.



No problem, Mack. Let me know how it goes, and maybe we can go together next time!


関連情報 / related information



What is Yanesen?
Yanesen is a neighborhood in Tokyo made up of three areas: Yanaka, Nezu, and Sendagi. It is known for keeping the old Tokyo atmosphere, with traditional wooden houses, narrow streets, and historic temples. Unlike other parts of the city, Yanesen wasn’t affected by the war or modern development, so it feels like stepping back in time.


Popular Spots
One of the most popular spots is Yanaka Cemetery, which is large and peaceful, especially in spring when the cherry blossoms bloom. Nezu Shrine is another famous place. It’s one of Tokyo’s oldest shrines and is famous for its red torii gate tunnel and the azalea festival in spring. Yanaka Ginza Shopping Street is also popular for street food and traditional shops.


Things to Do
In Yanesen, you can rent a kimono and walk around, which makes the experience more authentic. There are also craft workshops where you can try pottery or calligraphy. The area is full of small art galleries and cafes, perfect for relaxing.


Best Time to Visit
The best seasons to visit Yanesen are spring and autumn. In spring, you can enjoy the cherry blossoms, and in autumn, the colorful leaves are beautiful. Both seasons are great for walking and exploring the area.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What is Yanesen?  

Yanesen is a historic neighborhood in Tokyo made up of three areas: Yanaka, Nezu, and Sendagi. It is known for its old Tokyo atmosphere, with narrow streets, traditional houses, and temples.

2: Why is Yanesen popular?  

Yanesen is popular because it has preserved the charm of old Tokyo. Visitors enjoy walking through its quiet streets, visiting historic sites, and trying local foods.

3: What can you do in Yanesen?  

In Yanesen, you can visit temples and shrines, join craft workshops, rent a kimono to walk around, and enjoy street food in Yanaka Ginza.

4: What is Yanaka Cemetery known for?  

Yanaka Cemetery is famous for its peaceful atmosphere and cherry blossoms in the spring. It’s a popular place for walks and history lovers.

5: Why is Nezu Shrine special?  

Nezu Shrine is one of Tokyo’s oldest shrines. It is famous for its beautiful red torii gate tunnel and its azalea festival in spring.

6: What kind of street food can you try in Yanesen?  

In Yanesen, you can try local favorites like menchi katsu (fried minced meat cutlet) and dango (sweet rice dumplings) in Yanaka Ginza.

7: When is the best time to visit Yanesen?  

The best times to visit Yanesen are in spring for the cherry blossoms and in autumn for the colorful leaves. Both seasons offer pleasant weather for walking.

8: How do you get to Yanesen?  

You can take the Tokyo Metro Chiyoda Line to Nezu or Sendagi Station. Alternatively, you can take the JR Yamanote Line to Nippori Station and walk to Yanaka.

9: Can you join any cultural experiences in Yanesen?  

Yes, you can join pottery and calligraphy workshops in Yanesen, or rent a kimono to enhance your experience while exploring the historic streets.

10: Why do many tourists visit Yanesen?  

Many tourists visit Yanesen to experience the nostalgic feel of old Tokyo, enjoy traditional foods, and explore historical temples and shrines.

words & phrases



vibe : 名詞
意味: 雰囲気、感覚。The atmosphere or feeling of a place, situation, or person.

  • The café has a relaxing vibe.
  • Yanesen has an old Tokyo vibe that I love.
  • I didn’t like the vibe of that place.

cemetery : 名詞
意味: 墓地、霊園。A place where dead people are buried.

  • We walked through the peaceful cemetery.
  • The cemetery is famous for its cherry blossoms.
  • There are many historical figures buried in this cemetery.

azalea : 名詞
意味: ツツジ。A flowering shrub commonly found in gardens and parks, known for its colorful blossoms.

  • The garden is full of blooming azaleas in spring.
  • We visited the park to see the azalea festival.
  • Nezu Shrine is famous for its beautiful azaleas.

mince : 動詞
意味: 細かく刻む、ミンチにする。To cut food, especially meat, into very small pieces.

  • She minced the garlic for the sauce.
  • We bought some minced meat to make hamburgers.
  • The recipe says to mince the onions finely.

authentic : 形容詞
意味: 本物の、正真正銘の。Real, genuine, and not a copy.

  • The restaurant serves authentic Japanese food.
  • Wearing a kimono made my experience in Yanesen feel more authentic.
  • This is an authentic piece of art from the Edo period.
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