- 琵琶湖の基本情報
- 面積: 約 670平方キロメートル(滋賀県の約 1/6 )
- 水源: 近畿地方の 約1,400万人の生活用水 を支える
- 歴史: 約 400万年前に形成 された、日本で最も古い湖
- 生態系: 約 1,700種類の動植物 が生息し、60種以上の固有種 がいる
- 琵琶湖の観光スポット
- びわ湖テラス:山頂にある展望デッキ&カフェ、ロープウェイで行ける
- 彦根城:現存する 5つの天守 の一つ、国宝 に指定
- 白鬚神社:湖の中に鳥居が立つ 神秘的な神社、朝日や夕暮れ時が特に美しい
- 竹生島:琵琶湖に浮かぶ 島、「宝厳寺」や「都久夫須麻神社」がある、「かわらけ投げ」をする儀式がある
- ビワイチ:琵琶湖を自転車で一周する約200km のルート、一般的には2〜3日かけて周るのがオススメ
- 琵琶湖で楽しめるアクティビティ
- サイクリング(ビワイチ):転車で湖を一周できる
- クルーズ:「ミシガンクルーズ」「竹生島クルーズ」などの観光船がある
- ウォータースポーツ: カヌー、SUP(スタンドアップパドルボード)、釣り、ヨットなど
- びわ湖花火大会: 夏に開催される関西最大級の花火大会
- 京都・大阪からのアクセスの良さ
- 京都駅 → 大津駅(JR琵琶湖線) … 約10分
- 京都駅 → 彦根駅(JR琵琶湖線) … 約50分
- 大阪駅 → 大津駅(JR琵琶湖線) … 約40分
- 琵琶湖の歴史・文化的な重要性
- 琵琶湖は、古くから 水運の要所 として栄えた
- 戦国時代には 織田信長や豊臣秀吉 などの歴史的な人物が琵琶湖周辺で活動
- 周辺には 比叡山延暦寺もあり、宗教的にも重要な場所
会話 / dialogue

Hey, Key. I’ve always known about Lake Biwa, but recently, I’ve been hearing more about what a great place it is to visit. I never really thought of it as a travel destination.

Yeah, a lot of people think it’s just a big lake, but it’s actually full of history, culture, and outdoor activities. And the best part? It’s only 30 minutes from Kyoto by train!

That’s what surprised me! I mean, it’s right next to Kyoto, but I’ve never thought about going there. What’s so special about it?

First of all, it’s one of the oldest lakes in the world—about 4 million years old. That’s way older than most lakes on Earth.

4 million years? That’s insane! I guess that means the ecosystem must be unique, right?

Exactly! It has over 1,700 species of animals and plants, and more than 60 of them are found nowhere else in the world. It’s so important that it’s protected under the Ramsar Convention.

I had no idea. So, it’s not just a scenic place, but a major environmental and historical landmark too.

Right. And it’s not just for sightseeing—you can actually do a lot of activities there.

Like what?

For one, there’s cycling around the entire lake, called “Biwaichi.” It’s about 200 kilometers, and while some very experienced cyclists might try to do it in a day, most people take two or three days and stay at hotels or campsites.

That sounds like an adventure! But if I want something more relaxing, what do you recommend?

You’d love Biwako Terrace. It’s a mountain-top café with a breathtaking view of the lake. You take a ropeway up to the top, and it’s perfect for just sitting and enjoying the scenery.

That sounds amazing. And what about historical places? I heard there are some old castles and shrines around the lake.

Yep! Hikone Castle is one of only five original castles left in Japan and is a national treasure. From the top, you get a great view of Lake Biwa.

And there’s that famous shrine in the water, right?

Ah, you mean Shirahige Shrine. It has a torii gate standing in the lake, kind of like Miyajima’s Itsukushima Shrine. It looks especially beautiful at sunrise and sunset.

I definitely need to take some photos there. And I also heard about some kind of island?

That would be Chikubu Island. It’s a small but sacred island with ancient shrines and temples. Some people believe it has spiritual power, and there’s a ritual where you throw a small ceramic plate (kawarake) to make a wish.

That’s really cool. I like places with deep history and unique traditions. What’s the best way to get there?

You take a boat from Nagahama or Otsu, and the ride itself is really scenic.

Man, I really underestimated how much there is to do at Lake Biwa. It’s not just a big lake—it’s got nature, history, and adventure all in one place.

Exactly! Let’s plan a trip soon. You’re going to love it!
概要 / Overview

Lake Biwa is the largest lake in Japan and one of the oldest lakes in the world. It is located in Shiga Prefecture, next to Kyoto. The lake covers about 670 square kilometers, making up one-sixth of the prefecture’s land area. It is not only a beautiful natural spot but also an important source of water, history, and culture in Japan.
A Very Old and Unique Lake
Lake Biwa is about 4 million years old, making it one of the oldest lakes on Earth. Because it has existed for so long, it has developed a unique ecosystem. The lake is home to over 1,700 species of animals and plants, including more than 60 species that exist nowhere else in the world. Due to its ecological importance, it was registered under the Ramsar Convention in 1993 to protect its wetland environment.
A Vital Water Source
Lake Biwa is an essential water source for about 14 million people in Kyoto, Osaka, and other parts of the Kansai region. It provides drinking water, irrigation for farms, and industrial water for factories. Because of this, people in Japan call it “the water tank of Kansai.”
Tourist Attractions and Activities
Lake Biwa is a popular tourist destination with many interesting places to visit. Hikone Castle, a national treasure, offers a great view of the lake. Shirahige Shrine is famous for its floating torii gate, which looks beautiful at sunrise and sunset. Chikubu Island, a sacred island, has old shrines and temples and a tradition of kawarake throwing, where visitors toss small ceramic plates to make a wish.
Outdoor Activities
Visitors can also enjoy outdoor activities like cycling around the lake (“Biwaichi”), canoeing, fishing, and yachting. The Biwako Terrace, a mountain-top café, offers a stunning view of the entire lake.
Lake Biwa is more than just a large lake. It is rich in nature, history, and culture. Whether you want to explore its history, enjoy its scenery, or try exciting outdoor activities, Lake Biwa has something for everyone. It is a must-visit destination for travelers in Japan!
10の質問 / 10 questions
1: What is Lake Biwa?
Lake Biwa is the largest lake in Japan, located in Shiga Prefecture, next to Kyoto. It is about 4 million years old, making it one of the oldest lakes in the world.
2: Why is Lake Biwa important?
Lake Biwa is an essential water source for about 14 million people in the Kansai region. It provides drinking water, irrigation for farming, and industrial water.
3: What kind of wildlife lives in Lake Biwa?
The lake is home to over 1,700 species of animals and plants, including more than 60 species that exist nowhere else in the world, such as the Biwa trout.
4: What is Biwaichi?
Biwaichi is a cycling route that goes around Lake Biwa. The route is about 200 kilometers long, and most people take two to three days to complete it.
5: What is special about Hikone Castle?
Hikone Castle is a national treasure and one of Japan’s five original castles. It offers a great view of Lake Biwa and has a historical connection to the samurai era.
6: Why is Shirahige Shrine famous?
Shirahige Shrine is famous for its torii gate standing in the lake. The gate looks beautiful at sunrise and sunset, making it a popular spot for photography.
7: What is Chikubu Island known for?
Chikubu Island is a small sacred island in Lake Biwa. It has old shrines and temples, and visitors can take part in a ritual called kawarake throwing to make a wish.
8: What outdoor activities can you do at Lake Biwa?
Visitors can enjoy cycling, canoeing, fishing, yachting, and hiking. The Biwako Terrace, a mountain-top café, is also a popular place to relax and enjoy the view.
9: When is the best time to visit Lake Biwa?
Lake Biwa is beautiful in every season. Spring has cherry blossoms, summer is great for water activities, autumn has colorful leaves, and winter is perfect for bird-watching.
10: How can you get to Lake Biwa from Kyoto?
Lake Biwa is very close to Kyoto. You can take a train from Kyoto Station to Otsu Station in about 10 minutes or to Hikone Station in about 50 minutes.

会話 / dialogue

Hey, Key. I’ve always known about Lake Biwa, but recently, I’ve been hearing more about what a great place it is to visit. I never really thought of it as a travel destination.

Yeah, a lot of people think it’s just a big lake, but it’s actually full of history, culture, and outdoor activities. And the best part? It’s only 30 minutes from Kyoto by train!
そうそう、多くの人が「ただの大きな湖」って思ってるけど、実は歴史や文化、アウトドアアクティビティがたくさんあるんだよ。一番いいのはね、京都から電車でたった30分 で行けること!

That’s what surprised me! I mean, it’s right next to Kyoto, but I’ve never thought about going there. What’s so special about it?

First of all, it’s one of the oldest lakes in the world—about 4 million years old. That’s way older than most lakes on Earth.
まずね、琵琶湖は世界でも最も古い湖の一つなんだよ。なんと約400万年前 にできたんだ。他の湖と比べても、めちゃくちゃ古いんだよ!

4 million years?! That’s insane! I guess that means the ecosystem must be unique, right?
400万年?! それはすごいな!ってことは、生態系もかなり独特 なんじゃない?

Exactly! It has over 1,700 species of animals and plants, and more than 60 of them are found nowhere else in the world. It’s so important that it’s protected under the Ramsar Convention.
その通り!1,700種以上の動植物 が生息していて、そのうち60種類以上は琵琶湖にしかいないんだよ。だから、国際的にも貴重な湖としてラムサール条約 に登録されてるんだ。

I had no idea. So, it’s not just a scenic place, but a major environmental and historical landmark too.
知らなかったなぁ。つまり、単なる景色のきれいな場所じゃなくて、環境的にも歴史的にも重要な場所 なんだね。

Right. And it’s not just for sightseeing—you can actually do a lot of activities there.
そうそう、観光だけじゃなくて、いろんなアクティビティ も楽しめるんだよ。

Like what?

For one, there’s cycling around the entire lake, called “Biwaichi.” It’s about 200 kilometers, and while some very experienced cyclists might try to do it in a day, most people take two or three days and stay at hotels or campsites.
まず一つは、「ビワイチ」 っていう湖一周サイクリング があるんだ。約200キロメートル なんだけど、すごく経験のあるサイクリストなら1日で挑戦することもあるけど、普通は2〜3日かけて、ホテルやキャンプ場に泊まりながら走るんだよ。

That sounds like an adventure! But if I want something more relaxing, what do you recommend?

You’d love Biwako Terrace. It’s a mountain-top café with a breathtaking view of the lake. You take a ropeway up to the top, and it’s perfect for just sitting and enjoying the scenery.
それなら、びわ湖テラス が気に入ると思うよ。山の上にあるカフェ で、琵琶湖を一望できる絶景スポット なんだ。ロープウェイで山頂まで行けて、のんびり景色を楽しむには最高だよ。

That sounds amazing. And what about historical places? I heard there are some old castles and shrines around the lake.

Yep! Hikone Castle is one of only five original castles left in Japan and is a national treasure. From the top, you get a great view of Lake Biwa.
うん!彦根城 は、日本に現存する5つの天守 の一つで、国宝 にも指定されているんだ。天守閣からは琵琶湖の絶景 が見えるよ。

And there’s that famous shrine in the water, right?

Ah, you mean Shirahige Shrine. It has a torii gate standing in the lake, kind of like Miyajima’s Itsukushima Shrine. It looks especially beautiful at sunrise and sunset.
あぁ、それは白鬚神社 だね。湖の中に鳥居が立っている神社 で、宮島の厳島神社 にちょっと似てるんだよ。特に朝日や夕日の時間 はめちゃくちゃ綺麗だよ。

I definitely need to take some photos there. And I also heard about some kind of island?

That would be Chikubu Island. It’s a small but sacred island with ancient shrines and temples. Some people believe it has spiritual power, and there’s a ritual where you throw a small ceramic plate (kawarake) to make a wish.
それは 竹生島 だね。小さいけど神聖な島 で、古い神社やお寺 があるんだ。パワースポット って言われていて、願いを込めて 小さな陶器の皿(かわらけ)を投げる っていう特別な儀式もあるんだよ。

That’s really cool. I like places with deep history and unique traditions. What’s the best way to get there?
それ、すごくいいな!歴史が深くて、独特な伝統 がある場所って好きなんだよね。どうやって行くのが一番いいの?

You take a boat from Nagahama or Otsu, and the ride itself is really scenic.
長浜か大津から船に乗って行く んだ。船の旅自体もすごく景色がいいから、めちゃくちゃ楽しめるよ。

Man, I really underestimated how much there is to do at Lake Biwa. It’s not just a big lake—it’s got nature, history, and adventure all in one place.
いやぁ、琵琶湖ってこんなに楽しめる場所 だったなんて、完全に見くびってたよ。ただの大きな湖じゃなくて、自然も歴史も、冒険も全部詰まってる んだな!

Exactly! Let’s plan a trip soon. You’re going to love it!
概要 / Overview

Lake Biwa is the largest lake in Japan and one of the oldest lakes in the world. It is located in Shiga Prefecture, next to Kyoto. The lake covers about 670 square kilometers, making up one-sixth of the prefecture’s land area. It is not only a beautiful natural spot but also an important source of water, history, and culture in Japan.
A Very Old and Unique Lake
Lake Biwa is about 4 million years old, making it one of the oldest lakes on Earth. Because it has existed for so long, it has developed a unique ecosystem. The lake is home to over 1,700 species of animals and plants, including more than 60 species that exist nowhere else in the world. Due to its ecological importance, it was registered under the Ramsar Convention in 1993 to protect its wetland environment.
A Vital Water Source
Lake Biwa is an essential water source for about 14 million people in Kyoto, Osaka, and other parts of the Kansai region. It provides drinking water, irrigation for farms, and industrial water for factories. Because of this, people in Japan call it “the water tank of Kansai.”
Tourist Attractions and Activities
Lake Biwa is a popular tourist destination with many interesting places to visit. Hikone Castle, a national treasure, offers a great view of the lake. Shirahige Shrine is famous for its floating torii gate, which looks beautiful at sunrise and sunset. Chikubu Island, a sacred island, has old shrines and temples and a tradition of kawarake throwing, where visitors toss small ceramic plates to make a wish.
Outdoor Activities
Visitors can also enjoy outdoor activities like cycling around the lake (“Biwaichi”), canoeing, fishing, and yachting. The Biwako Terrace, a mountain-top café, offers a stunning view of the entire lake.
Lake Biwa is more than just a large lake. It is rich in nature, history, and culture. Whether you want to explore its history, enjoy its scenery, or try exciting outdoor activities, Lake Biwa has something for everyone. It is a must-visit destination for travelers in Japan!
10の質問 / 10 questions
1: What is Lake Biwa?
Lake Biwa is the largest lake in Japan, located in Shiga Prefecture, next to Kyoto. It is about 4 million years old, making it one of the oldest lakes in the world.
2: Why is Lake Biwa important?
Lake Biwa is an essential water source for about 14 million people in the Kansai region. It provides drinking water, irrigation for farming, and industrial water.
3: What kind of wildlife lives in Lake Biwa?
The lake is home to over 1,700 species of animals and plants, including more than 60 species that exist nowhere else in the world, such as the Biwa trout.
4: What is Biwaichi?
Biwaichi is a cycling route that goes around Lake Biwa. The route is about 200 kilometers long, and most people take two to three days to complete it.
5: What is special about Hikone Castle?
Hikone Castle is a national treasure and one of Japan’s five original castles. It offers a great view of Lake Biwa and has a historical connection to the samurai era.
6: Why is Shirahige Shrine famous?
Shirahige Shrine is famous for its torii gate standing in the lake. The gate looks beautiful at sunrise and sunset, making it a popular spot for photography.
7: What is Chikubu Island known for?
Chikubu Island is a small sacred island in Lake Biwa. It has old shrines and temples, and visitors can take part in a ritual called kawarake throwing to make a wish.
8: What outdoor activities can you do at Lake Biwa?
Visitors can enjoy cycling, canoeing, fishing, yachting, and hiking. The Biwako Terrace, a mountain-top café, is also a popular place to relax and enjoy the view.
9: When is the best time to visit Lake Biwa?
Lake Biwa is beautiful in every season. Spring has cherry blossoms, summer is great for water activities, autumn has colorful leaves, and winter is perfect for bird-watching.
10: How can you get to Lake Biwa from Kyoto?
Lake Biwa is very close to Kyoto. You can take a train from Kyoto Station to Otsu Station in about 10 minutes or to Hikone Station in about 50 minutes.

words & phrases

insane : 形容詞
意味: 狂っている、非常識な、驚くほどすごい
In general, “insane” means mentally ill or extremely unreasonable. It can also mean amazing or unbelievable in informal conversation.
( 「4 million years?! That’s insane!」で使われており、驚くほど信じがたいという意味で使用)
- The price of the hotel was insane. It was way too expensive!
「そのホテルの値段は非常識だった。めちゃくちゃ高かったよ!」 - His skill in playing the piano is insane!
「彼のピアノの技術は驚異的だ!」 - Jumping from that height is insane!
scenic : 形容詞
意味: 景色が美しい、風光明媚な
“Scenic” describes a place with beautiful natural views.
- We drove along a scenic road through the mountains.
「私たちは山を抜ける景色の美しい道をドライブした。」 - The hotel room had a scenic view of the lake.
「そのホテルの部屋からは湖の美しい景色が見えた。」 - The scenic landscape of Switzerland is breathtaking.
landmark : 名詞
意味: 目印となる建物・場所、歴史的に重要な建造物。A landmark can refer to a well-known building, a natural feature, or a historical site that is easily recognizable.
- Tokyo Tower is one of the most famous landmarks in Japan.
「東京タワーは日本で最も有名なランドマークの一つだ。」 - The Eiffel Tower is a well-known landmark in Paris.
「エッフェル塔はパリの有名な目印だ。」 - The Statue of Liberty is a national landmark in the United States.
underestimate : 動詞
意味: 過小評価する、甘く見る。“Underestimate” means to think that something is less important, difficult, or valuable than it really is.
- I underestimated how difficult the exam would be.
「試験がこんなに難しいとは甘く見ていた。」 - Don’t underestimate his ability to solve problems.
「彼の問題解決能力を過小評価してはいけない。」 - We underestimated the time needed to complete the project.
sacred : 形容詞
意味: 神聖な、宗教的に重要な
“Sacred” describes something holy or deeply respected, often related to religion.
- The temple is a sacred place for Buddhists.
「その寺院は仏教徒にとって神聖な場所です。」 - Many people consider Mount Fuji to be sacred.
「多くの人が富士山を神聖な山だと考えている。」 - This book is sacred to our culture.