- こどもの日とは
- 毎年5月5日に行われる日本の国民の祝日で、こどもの健康と成長を願う日です。
- 元々は男の子の成長を祝う「端午の節句」として知られていました。
- 鯉のぼり
- こどもの日に家の外や庭に飾られる、鯉を模した色とりどりの旗です。これはこどもたちが困難を乗り越えて成長することを願う象徴です。
- 兜と鎧
- 武士が戦いで身を守るための防具の飾り物で、勇気と力強さをこどもたちに願うために飾られます。
- 柏餅とちまき
- こどもの日に食べられる伝統的な食べ物です。柏餅はもち米で作られ、柏の葉で包まれた和菓子です。ちまきは竹の葉で包んだもち米の食べ物です。
- 菖蒲湯
- 菖蒲の葉を浮かべたお風呂に入ることで、邪気を払い健康を祈る習慣です。
会話 / dialogue

Hey Key, this Sunday is Children’s Day, isn’t it?

Yes, it’s originally called “Tango no Sekku,” mainly a day to celebrate children’s growth and happiness.

Right! Families put up koinobori, those carp streamers, to wish their kids strength. It symbolizes the carp that swims upstream and transforms into a dragon.

I love that symbolism. And don’t forget the samurai armor and helmets—displayed to inspire bravery and strength in kids.

I’m actually thinking of going to Kazo City to see the giant koinobori. I heard it’s quite a sight with a giant koi streamer hanging over the Tone River.

That sounds amazing! You should definitely check it out. The festival really brings the community together. Plus, it’s a fantastic photo op.

What about the special food? I want to try kashiwamochi and chimaki.

Kashiwamochi is mochi with sweet bean paste, wrapped in oak leaves. It’s delicious and the leaves represent growth. Chimaki is another one, sticky rice wrapped in bamboo leaves—both very traditional on this day.

And the iris baths, shobuyu, right? They take those baths to repel evil spirits, as irises are believed to have purifying effects.

Exactly. It’s all about protecting and nurturing children. So much culture wrapped up in one day!

Absolutely. Celebrating Children’s Day gives us a chance to learn more about Japanese traditions and participate in something truly special.

You’ll have a great time in Kazo. It’s a unique way to experience Japanese culture and see how local communities celebrate their kids.

Thanks, Key! I’m really looking forward to it. Maybe next year, you can join me?

Count me in! It sounds like a wonderful tradition to experience firsthand. Let’s plan for it.
関連情報 / related information

Introduction to Children’s Day
Children’s Day in Japan is a national holiday celebrated on May 5th each year. This day is dedicated to celebrating the health and growth of children. Originally, it was known as “Tango no Sekku” and primarily focused on boys’ growth and success.
Traditions and Decorations
One of the most iconic symbols of Children’s Day are the “koinobori,” which are colorful carp-shaped streamers. Families hang these streamers outside their homes to symbolize strength and the ability of children to overcome challenges, much like a carp swimming upstream. Inside the home, samurai helmets (kabuto) and armor (yoroi) are displayed to inspire bravery and strength in children.
Special Foods
Children’s Day is also associated with special foods. “Kashiwamochi,” a sweet rice cake wrapped in oak leaves, and “chimaki,” a sticky rice dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves, are traditional treats. These foods are enjoyed as part of the celebration, each carrying symbolic meanings of health and prosperity.
Cultural Significance
The day also includes taking baths with iris leaves, known as “shobuyu.” This practice is believed to purify and protect children from evil spirits. Children’s Day is not only a fun holiday but also a deep cultural practice that involves family participation, aiming to foster strength, health, and success in the lives of children.
10の質問 / 10 questions
1: What is Children's Day in Japan?
Children's Day in Japan is a national holiday celebrated on May 5th every year. It is a day dedicated to celebrating the health, growth, and happiness of children.
2: Why do Japanese families fly koinobori on Children's Day?
Families fly koinobori, which are carp-shaped streamers, to symbolize the wish for their children to grow up strong and courageous, just like a carp swimming upstream.
3: What are the traditional decorations used on Children's Day?
Traditional decorations for Children's Day include koinobori (carp streamers), kabuto (samurai helmets), and yoroi (samurai armor), which symbolize strength and bravery.
4: What is special about the food eaten on Children's Day?
Special foods eaten on Children's Day include kashiwamochi (rice cakes wrapped in oak leaves) and chimaki (rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves), both symbolizing health and longevity.
5: What is the historical origin of Children's Day?
Children's Day originates from an ancient Chinese festival that celebrated the health and strength of boys. It was introduced to Japan and became known as Tango no Sekku before being designated as a national holiday in 1948.
6: How do families typically celebrate Children's Day?
Families typically celebrate Children's Day by setting up decorations like koinobori and samurai armor, taking baths in shobuyu (iris-infused water), and enjoying a meal of traditional foods.
7: What is shobuyu, and why is it significant on Children's Day?
Shobuyu refers to a bath infused with iris leaves, believed to have purifying properties and to protect children from evil spirits.
8: Are there any particular activities or events associated with Children's Day?
Apart from displaying decorations and preparing special foods, many families and communities hold events such as sports and arts activities to celebrate children and their talents.
9: How is Children's Day different from other children’s festivals in Japan?
Unlike other children’s festivals that might focus on specific traditions or local customs, Children's Day is a national holiday with a strong focus on the well-being and future success of all children.
10: What is the significance of samurai armor and helmets on Children's Day?
Samurai armor and helmets, known as kabuto and yoroi, are displayed in homes to inspire strength, bravery, and the warrior spirit among children, reflecting hopes for their strong and successful future.
会話 / dialogue

Hey Key, this Sunday is Children’s Day, isn’t it?

Yes, it’s originally called “Tango no Sekku,” mainly a day to celebrate children’s growth and happiness.

Right! Families put up koinobori, those carp streamers, to wish their kids strength. It symbolizes the carp that swims upstream and transforms into a dragon.

I love that symbolism. And don’t forget the samurai armor and helmets—displayed to inspire bravery and strength in kids.

I’m actually thinking of going to Kazo City to see the giant koinobori. I heard it’s quite a sight with a giant koi streamer hanging over the Tone River.

That sounds amazing! You should definitely check it out. The festival really brings the community together. Plus, it’s a fantastic photo op.

What about the special food? I want to try kashiwamochi and chimaki.

Kashiwamochi is mochi with sweet bean paste, wrapped in oak leaves. It’s delicious and the leaves represent growth. Chimaki is another one, sticky rice wrapped in bamboo leaves—both very traditional on this day.

And the iris baths, shobuyu, right? They take those baths to repel evil spirits, as irises are believed to have purifying effects.

Exactly. It’s all about protecting and nurturing children. So much culture wrapped up in one day!

Absolutely. Celebrating Children’s Day gives us a chance to learn more about Japanese traditions and participate in something truly special.

You’ll have a great time in Kazo. It’s a unique way to experience Japanese culture and see how local communities celebrate their kids.

Thanks, Key! I’m really looking forward to it. Maybe next year, you can join me?

Count me in! It sounds like a wonderful tradition to experience firsthand. Let’s plan for it.
関連情報 / related information

Introduction to Children’s Day
Children’s Day in Japan is a national holiday celebrated on May 5th each year. This day is dedicated to celebrating the health and growth of children. Originally, it was known as “Tango no Sekku” and primarily focused on boys’ growth and success.
Traditions and Decorations
One of the most iconic symbols of Children’s Day are the “koinobori,” which are colorful carp-shaped streamers. Families hang these streamers outside their homes to symbolize strength and the ability of children to overcome challenges, much like a carp swimming upstream. Inside the home, samurai helmets (kabuto) and armor (yoroi) are displayed to inspire bravery and strength in children.
Special Foods
Children’s Day is also associated with special foods. “Kashiwamochi,” a sweet rice cake wrapped in oak leaves, and “chimaki,” a sticky rice dumpling wrapped in bamboo leaves, are traditional treats. These foods are enjoyed as part of the celebration, each carrying symbolic meanings of health and prosperity.
Cultural Significance
The day also includes taking baths with iris leaves, known as “shobuyu.” This practice is believed to purify and protect children from evil spirits. Children’s Day is not only a fun holiday but also a deep cultural practice that involves family participation, aiming to foster strength, health, and success in the lives of children.
10の質問 / 10 questions
1: What is Children's Day in Japan?
Children's Day in Japan is a national holiday celebrated on May 5th every year. It is a day dedicated to celebrating the health, growth, and happiness of children.
2: Why do Japanese families fly koinobori on Children's Day?
Families fly koinobori, which are carp-shaped streamers, to symbolize the wish for their children to grow up strong and courageous, just like a carp swimming upstream.
3: What are the traditional decorations used on Children's Day?
Traditional decorations for Children's Day include koinobori (carp streamers), kabuto (samurai helmets), and yoroi (samurai armor), which symbolize strength and bravery.
4: What is special about the food eaten on Children's Day?
Special foods eaten on Children's Day include kashiwamochi (rice cakes wrapped in oak leaves) and chimaki (rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves), both symbolizing health and longevity.
5: What is the historical origin of Children's Day?
Children's Day originates from an ancient Chinese festival that celebrated the health and strength of boys. It was introduced to Japan and became known as Tango no Sekku before being designated as a national holiday in 1948.
6: How do families typically celebrate Children's Day?
Families typically celebrate Children's Day by setting up decorations like koinobori and samurai armor, taking baths in shobuyu (iris-infused water), and enjoying a meal of traditional foods.
7: What is shobuyu, and why is it significant on Children's Day?
Shobuyu refers to a bath infused with iris leaves, believed to have purifying properties and to protect children from evil spirits.
8: Are there any particular activities or events associated with Children's Day?
Apart from displaying decorations and preparing special foods, many families and communities hold events such as sports and arts activities to celebrate children and their talents.
9: How is Children's Day different from other children’s festivals in Japan?
Unlike other children’s festivals that might focus on specific traditions or local customs, Children's Day is a national holiday with a strong focus on the well-being and future success of all children.
10: What is the significance of samurai armor and helmets on Children's Day?
Samurai armor and helmets, known as kabuto and yoroi, are displayed in homes to inspire strength, bravery, and the warrior spirit among children, reflecting hopes for their strong and successful future.
words & phrases

photo op : 名詞 /ˈfoʊ.t̬oʊ ˌɑːp/
意味: 写真撮影の機会。An opportunity to take a photograph, especially one that is arranged to provide favorable publicity.
The visit to the ancient castle was a great photo op.
Celebrities often have photo ops at major events.
He arranged a photo op to promote his new book.
oak : 名詞 /oʊk/
意味: オーク、ナラ。A type of large tree that is common in northern parts of the world, or the wood of this tree.
The old oak tree has stood in the village for centuries.
Furniture made of oak is very durable.
Oak leaves are used to wrap kashiwamochi in Japan.
repel : 動詞
意味: 追い払う、撃退する。To drive or force back; to ward off.
The spray is used to repel insects.
His rude behavior repels many people.
Iris leaves are believed to repel evil spirits in Japan.
dumpling : 名詞
意味: 団子。A small piece of dough, often wrapped around a filling, that is cooked and served as part of a meal.
She made delicious dumplings for dinner.
Dumplings are a popular dish in many cultures.
In Japan, chimaki is a type of dumpling eaten on Children’s Day.
treats : 名詞
意味: ごちそう、楽しいもの。Something enjoyable or special, often something to eat.
We bought some chocolate treats for the kids.
He always brings little treats for his coworkers.
Special treats like kashiwamochi are enjoyed on Children’s Day in Japan.