箱根 – 英語で説明するために – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. 箱根の場所と特徴:
    • 神奈川県に位置する観光地で東京から約80キロ
    • 温泉地として有名、自然豊かな風景と歴史的な神社や美術館などの文化施設が豊富
  2. 箱根の観光スポット:
    • 芦ノ湖: 富士山を背景にした湖で、観光船でクルーズが楽しめる
    • 大涌谷: 火山活動が見られるスポットで、名物の「黒たまご」が有名
    • 美術館: 彫刻の森美術館やポーラ美術館など、自然とアートを楽しめる
  3. 交通手段:
    • 箱根登山鉄道、ケーブルカー、ロープウェイなどを利用して主要スポットを回れる



会話 / dialogue


Key, I’ve been thinking about visiting Hakone. Have you been there before?


Yeah, I’ve been a couple of times. It’s an amazing place, especially if you love nature and hot springs. What got you interested in Hakone?


I’ve heard it’s a great spot to see Mount Fuji and relax in hot springs. Plus, it’s not too far from Tokyo, right?


Exactly! It’s only about 80 kilometers from Tokyo, so you can get there in around 1.5 hours by the Odakyu Romancecar. The views from the train are great too, especially as you get closer to the mountains.


That sounds perfect. What’s the best time to visit? I want to see some beautiful scenery.


I’d recommend spring or autumn. In spring, you can catch the cherry blossoms, and in autumn, the fall colors are stunning. Both seasons offer pleasant weather, making it ideal for outdoor activities.


What about places to visit once I’m there? I’ve heard of Lake Ashi.


Yeah, Lake Ashi is a must-see. You can take a cruise on one of the pirate ships across the lake. On a clear day, you’ll get an incredible view of Mount Fuji from the water.


That sounds great. And Owakudani? Isn’t that the volcanic area?


Yes! Owakudani is another iconic spot. You’ll see steam rising from the ground, and you can even try the famous black eggs, which are boiled in the hot springs. They say eating one adds seven years to your life.


Seven years, huh? I’ll definitely try those! What about transportation around Hakone? Is it easy to get around?


Super easy. The Hakone Free Pass is a great option. It covers the Hakone Tozan Railway, the cable cars, and even the ropeway. You can hop on and off to visit all the major spots.


I’ve heard the ropeway gives great views. What can I expect?


Absolutely! The Hakone Ropeway connects Gora to Lake Ashi via Owakudani. The views from the ropeway are breathtaking, especially when you’re high up over the mountains.


Sounds like I should stay for at least one night. Any recommendations for accommodation?


I’d say stay at a ryokan. Hakone is famous for its hot spring resorts, like Hakone Yumoto or Gora. You can relax in an onsen and enjoy a traditional kaiseki dinner.


That sounds amazing. Is there anything else I should add to my plan?


If you like art, the Hakone Open-Air Museum is fantastic. It’s Japan’s first outdoor sculpture museum, and they even have a special Picasso collection. The Pola Museum of Art is another great spot, especially if you’re into European and Japanese art.


Wow, there’s a lot to do. Do you think two days is enough?


Two days is perfect. You can enjoy the onsen, see all the major spots, and even fit in a relaxing boat ride or art museum visit. Just make sure to plan your time well.


I’ll do that. Thanks, Key. I can’t wait to visit Hakone now!


You’re welcome, Mack! You’re going to love it.

関連情報 / related information




Location and Access
Hakone is a popular tourist destination located about 80 kilometers southwest of Tokyo. It is part of the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park and is famous for its hot springs, scenic views of Mount Fuji, and relaxing atmosphere. Visitors can easily access Hakone from Tokyo by the Odakyu Romancecar, which takes about 1.5 hours, or by buses and trains. The area is known for its well-connected public transportation, making it easy to explore.

Popular Attractions
One of Hakone’s most famous spots is Lake Ashi, where you can take a boat cruise and enjoy views of Mount Fuji. Owakudani is another must-see destination, known for its volcanic activity and black eggs (Kuro-tamago), which are said to extend your life by seven years. Hakone also has several beautiful art museums, such as the Open-Air Museum and the Pola Museum of Art.

Best Time to Visit
The best time to visit Hakone is in spring or autumn. In spring, you can see cherry blossoms, while autumn offers stunning views of the colorful fall leaves. Both seasons have pleasant weather, making them ideal for outdoor activities like hiking or sightseeing.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What is Hakone famous for?

Hakone is famous for its hot springs, scenic views of Mount Fuji, and relaxing atmosphere. It’s also known for attractions like Lake Ashi, Owakudani, and several art museums.

2: How can I get to Hakone from Tokyo?

You can take the Odakyu Romancecar from Shinjuku, which takes about 1.5 hours. Alternatively, you can take the JR Tokaido Line to Odawara and then transfer to local transportation.

3: What can you do at Lake Ashi?
At Lake Ashi, you can take a boat cruise on a pirate ship and enjoy views of Mount Fuji on clear days. You can also visit the nearby Hakone Shrine.
4: What is Owakudani known for?

Owakudani is a volcanic valley known for its hot springs and sulfuric steam. It’s also famous for its black eggs (Kuro-tamago), which are believed to extend your life by seven years.

5: When is the best time to visit Hakone?

The best times to visit Hakone are in spring and autumn. Spring offers cherry blossoms, while autumn provides beautiful fall foliage and pleasant weather.

6: What is the Hakone Ropeway?

The Hakone Ropeway is a cable car that offers stunning views of the mountains, Owakudani, and Lake Ashi. It connects Gora to Togendai via Owakudani.

7: Can you visit art museums in Hakone?

Yes, Hakone is home to several art museums, including the Hakone Open-Air Museum and the Pola Museum of Art, where you can enjoy both Japanese and Western art.

8: What food is Hakone known for?

Hakone is known for its black eggs from Owakudani, as well as traditional Japanese sweets like onsen manju. There are also many local soba noodle shops.

9: How easy is it to get around Hakone?

It’s very easy to get around Hakone using public transportation. The Hakone Free Pass is a great option as it covers trains, buses, and the ropeway.

10: Where should I stay in Hakone?

Many visitors stay at traditional ryokan inns, which offer hot spring baths and meals. Popular areas to stay include Hakone Yumoto and Gora.


会話 / dialogue


Key, I’ve been thinking about visiting Hakone. Have you been there before?



Yeah, I’ve been a couple of times. It’s an amazing place, especially if you love nature and hot springs. What got you interested in Hakone?



I’ve heard it’s a great spot to see Mount Fuji and relax in hot springs. Plus, it’s not too far from Tokyo, right?



Exactly! It’s only about 80 kilometers from Tokyo, so you can get there in around 1.5 hours by the Odakyu Romancecar. The views from the train are great too, especially as you get closer to the mountains.



That sounds perfect. What’s the best time to visit? I want to see some beautiful scenery.



I’d recommend spring or autumn. In spring, you can catch the cherry blossoms, and in autumn, the fall colors are stunning. Both seasons offer pleasant weather, making it ideal for outdoor activities.



What about places to visit once I’m there? I’ve heard of Lake Ashi.



Yeah, Lake Ashi is a must-see. You can take a cruise on one of the pirate ships across the lake. On a clear day, you’ll get an incredible view of Mount Fuji from the water.



That sounds great. And Owakudani? Isn’t that the volcanic area?



Yes! Owakudani is another iconic spot. You’ll see steam rising from the ground, and you can even try the famous black eggs, which are boiled in the hot springs. They say eating one adds seven years to your life.



Seven years, huh? I’ll definitely try those! What about transportation around Hakone? Is it easy to get around?



Super easy. The Hakone Free Pass is a great option. It covers the Hakone Tozan Railway, the cable cars, and even the ropeway. You can hop on and off to visit all the major spots.



I’ve heard the ropeway gives great views. What can I expect?



Absolutely! The Hakone Ropeway connects Gora to Lake Ashi via Owakudani. The views from the ropeway are breathtaking, especially when you’re high up over the mountains.



Sounds like I should stay for at least one night. Any recommendations for accommodation?



I’d say stay at a ryokan. Hakone is famous for its hot spring resorts, like Hakone Yumoto or Gora. You can relax in an onsen and enjoy a traditional kaiseki dinner.



That sounds amazing. Is there anything else I should add to my plan?



If you like art, the Hakone Open-Air Museum is fantastic. It’s Japan’s first outdoor sculpture museum, and they even have a special Picasso collection. The Pola Museum of Art is another great spot, especially if you’re into European and Japanese art.



Wow, there’s a lot to do. Do you think two days is enough?



Two days is perfect. You can enjoy the onsen, see all the major spots, and even fit in a relaxing boat ride or art museum visit. Just make sure to plan your time well.



I’ll do that. Thanks, Key. I can’t wait to visit Hakone now!



You’re welcome, Mack! You’re going to love it.


関連情報 / related information



Location and Access
Hakone is a popular tourist destination located about 80 kilometers southwest of Tokyo. It is part of the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park and is famous for its hot springs, scenic views of Mount Fuji, and relaxing atmosphere. Visitors can easily access Hakone from Tokyo by the Odakyu Romancecar, which takes about 1.5 hours, or by buses and trains. The area is known for its well-connected public transportation, making it easy to explore.


Popular Attractions
One of Hakone’s most famous spots is Lake Ashi, where you can take a boat cruise and enjoy views of Mount Fuji. Owakudani is another must-see destination, known for its volcanic activity and black eggs (Kuro-tamago), which are said to extend your life by seven years. Hakone also has several beautiful art museums, such as the Open-Air Museum and the Pola Museum of Art.


Best Time to Visit
The best time to visit Hakone is in spring or autumn. In spring, you can see cherry blossoms, while autumn offers stunning views of the colorful fall leaves. Both seasons have pleasant weather, making them ideal for outdoor activities like hiking or sightseeing.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What is Hakone famous for?  

Hakone is famous for its hot springs, scenic views of Mount Fuji, and relaxing atmosphere. It’s also known for attractions like Lake Ashi, Owakudani, and several art museums.

2: How can I get to Hakone from Tokyo?  

You can take the Odakyu Romancecar from Shinjuku, which takes about 1.5 hours. Alternatively, you can take the JR Tokaido Line to Odawara and then transfer to local transportation.

3: What can you do at Lake Ashi?  

At Lake Ashi, you can take a boat cruise on a pirate ship and enjoy views of Mount Fuji on clear days. You can also visit the nearby Hakone Shrine.

4: What is Owakudani known for?  

Owakudani is a volcanic valley known for its hot springs and sulfuric steam. It’s also famous for its black eggs (Kuro-tamago), which are believed to extend your life by seven years.

5: When is the best time to visit Hakone?  

The best times to visit Hakone are in spring and autumn. Spring offers cherry blossoms, while autumn provides beautiful fall foliage and pleasant weather.

6: What is the Hakone Ropeway?  

The Hakone Ropeway is a cable car that offers stunning views of the mountains, Owakudani, and Lake Ashi. It connects Gora to Togendai via Owakudani.

7: Can you visit art museums in Hakone?  

Yes, Hakone is home to several art museums, including the Hakone Open-Air Museum and the Pola Museum of Art, where you can enjoy both Japanese and Western art.

8: What food is Hakone known for?  

Hakone is known for its black eggs from Owakudani, as well as traditional Japanese sweets like onsen manju. There are also many local soba noodle shops.

9: How easy is it to get around Hakone?  

It’s very easy to get around Hakone using public transportation. The Hakone Free Pass is a great option as it covers trains, buses, and the ropeway.

10: Where should I stay in Hakone?  

Many visitors stay at traditional ryokan inns, which offer hot spring baths and meals. Popular areas to stay include Hakone Yumoto and Gora.

words & phrases



pleasant : 形容詞
意味: 心地よい、快適な。Something that gives a sense of enjoyment, comfort, or satisfaction.

  • The weather was pleasant during our trip to Hakone.
  • She had a pleasant conversation with the guide.
  • The park is a pleasant place to relax.

volcanic : 形容詞
意味: 火山の、火山性の。Related to or caused by a volcano.

  • Owakudani is famous for its volcanic activity.
  • The island was formed by volcanic eruptions.
  • The region has many volcanic hot springs.

steam : 名詞
意味: 蒸気。Water in the form of vapor, often produced when water is heated.

  • You can see steam rising from the ground in Owakudani.
  • The steam from the hot springs filled the air.
  • Be careful when opening the lid; the steam is very hot.

get around : フレーズ
意味: 移動する、あちこちを回る。To travel or move from one place to another, often within a local area.

  • It’s easy to get around Hakone using public transportation.
  • How do you usually get around the city?
  • We rented bikes to get around the park.

accommodation : 名詞
意味: 宿泊施設、宿。A place where travelers can stay, such as a hotel, inn, or ryokan.

  • We stayed at a traditional ryokan for our accommodation in Hakone.
  • The hotel offers comfortable accommodation for guests.
  • Finding accommodation during the peak season can be difficult.
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