グランピング – 英語で説明するために – 英会話形式で学ぶ







  1. グランピングの基本情報
    • グランピングは、「グラマラス(豪華な)」と「キャンピング(キャンプ)」を組み合わせた言葉
    • 自然の中で快適さと贅沢さを兼ね備えた新しいアウトドア体験を指す
  2. 通常のキャンプとの違い
    • 通常のキャンプでは、テントや調理器具などを自分で準備し設営するが、グランピングですべてが整っている
    • グランピング施設ではレストランや準備された食材を使ったバーベキューなどが提供される
  3. グランピング施設の特徴
    • 日本には富士山周辺や白浜、伊勢志摩など、自然豊かなエリアに多くのグランピング施設がある
  4. 安全面とエコフレンドリー
    • 通常のキャンプに比べて安全性が高く、施設のセキュリティやスタッフの常駐が整っている
    • 環境保護に配慮し、廃棄物削減などエコフレンドリーな取り組みが多く見られる



>> 「富士山 – 英語で説明するために」はこちら

会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, have you ever heard of glamping? I’m really interested in trying it.


Oh yeah, glamping has been getting pretty popular here in Japan. It’s like camping but with way more comfort, right?


Exactly! You don’t have to set up your own tent or sleep on the ground. The accommodations are already set up, and they’re really luxurious. I was reading that some places even have real beds and air conditioning.


That sounds amazing. It’s like combining nature with a hotel experience. Where are you thinking of going?


I’ve been looking into a few spots near Mt. Fuji. There’s a place called Hoshinoya Fuji that offers these cabins with a perfect view of the mountain. You can even do activities like canoeing or just relax by a campfire.


Oh, I’ve heard about that! Isn’t it the first glamping resort in Japan? I bet the view of Fuji is incredible.


Yes, that’s the one! It’s more expensive than regular camping, but it seems worth it. You get luxury and nature together. Plus, they offer meals, so you don’t have to worry about cooking unless you want to.


I’m curious, though. How is it different from regular camping, other than the comfort?


Well, in traditional camping, you need to bring your own gear—like tents, sleeping bags, cooking equipment—and set everything up. Glamping, on the other hand, provides all that for you. The tents or cabins come with beds, furniture, and even bathrooms in some places. It’s perfect if you want to enjoy nature but don’t want the hassle.


That’s convenient. But what about the food? Do you cook yourself or is there something like a restaurant?


It depends on the place. Some glamping sites have full restaurants, and others give you the option to barbecue or cook with prepared meal kits. At Hoshinoya, they have gourmet meal services, so you can enjoy high-quality food without lifting a finger.


That’s great. And I imagine it’s safer, too. I always worry about things like wild animals when camping.


Exactly. Since glamping sites are more structured, you don’t have to worry as much about safety. Plus, they often have staff on site, and the facilities are more secure than regular camping spots.


What about the weather? Doesn’t it get cold at night, especially near Mt. Fuji?


That’s true, but most places offer heated tents or cabins. For example, I read that some sites even have wood-burning stoves or electric heaters. So, it’s cozy even if it’s cold outside.


That sounds like the best of both worlds—enjoying the outdoors without the discomfort. Are there any downsides?


Well, it can be a bit pricey compared to regular camping. Also, you still have to be mindful of the environment. Even though it’s luxurious, glamping spots often emphasize eco-friendly practices, like reducing waste and conserving energy.


I like that. It’s important to stay mindful of nature while enjoying it. So, are you planning to go soon?


Yeah, I’m hoping to book a spot this autumn. I want to enjoy the cooler weather and maybe do some hiking or stargazing. You should come along!


I’d love to! It sounds like the perfect mix of adventure and relaxation.

関連情報 / related information




What is Glamping?
Glamping, or “glamorous camping,” is a mix of luxury and outdoor adventure. Unlike regular camping, where you bring your own tent and sleeping bag, glamping provides comfortable accommodations such as tents, cabins, or yurts. These places usually have beds, furniture, and even electricity, making it a more comfortable way to experience nature.

Where Can You Go Glamping?
In Japan, there are many popular glamping spots. For example, near Mt. Fuji, you can stay in luxury cabins with beautiful views of the mountain. In other areas like Ise-Shima and Shirahama, you can enjoy the ocean and local seafood. Glamping locations are often in beautiful natural settings like forests, beaches, or near lakes.

Activities and Food
Glamping also offers various activities. You can go hiking, canoeing, or enjoy stargazing at night. Many places offer BBQ facilities, and some even have gourmet meal services, so you can enjoy delicious food without having to cook yourself.

A Comfortable and Safe Experience
Glamping is a safer and more comfortable alternative to traditional camping. The accommodations are secure, and many sites have staff available to help. It’s a great option for people who want to experience nature without giving up the comforts of home.

10の質問 / 10 questions


1: What is glamping?

Glamping is a combination of “glamorous” and “camping.” It offers a luxurious camping experience where guests can stay in comfortable accommodations like tents or cabins with amenities such as beds, furniture, and electricity.

2: How is glamping different from traditional camping?

In traditional camping, you bring your own gear, set up your tent, and often sleep on the ground. Glamping provides pre-set accommodations with comforts like real beds, bathrooms, and sometimes even air conditioning or heating.

3: Where can you go glamping in Japan?
Popular glamping locations in Japan include areas near Mt. Fuji, Shirahama, and Ise-Shima. These spots offer beautiful views of nature, luxury accommodations, and outdoor activities like hiking and canoeing.
4: What kinds of accommodations are available for glamping?

Glamping accommodations vary, but they often include luxury tents, yurts, cabins, and even treehouses. These spaces are furnished with beds, chairs, and sometimes include private bathrooms.

5: What activities can you enjoy while glamping?

Depending on the location, glamping offers activities such as hiking, canoeing, stargazing, barbecuing, and even spa services. Many places provide a mix of outdoor adventures and relaxation options.

6: Is glamping eco-friendly?

Some glamping sites focus on sustainability by using eco-friendly materials, promoting energy-saving practices, and encouraging waste reduction. However, not all glamping sites are equally environmentally friendly, so it’s good to check before booking.

7: Do glamping sites provide food?

Many glamping sites offer gourmet meals, either in on-site restaurants or through meal kits for guests to cook. Some places have barbecue facilities, while others provide fully prepared meals.

8: How much does it cost to go glamping?

The cost of glamping can vary depending on the location and level of luxury, but it generally ranges from ¥10,000 to ¥60,000 per night in Japan. High-end sites near popular areas like Mt. Fuji may charge more.

9: Is glamping safe?

Yes, glamping is generally safer than traditional camping. The accommodations are more secure, and many sites have staff on-site to assist guests, which reduces concerns about wildlife or accidents.

10: Can you go glamping in all seasons?

Yes, glamping is available year-round. In winter, many sites offer heated tents or cabins to keep guests warm, while in summer, air conditioning may be provided. Each season offers unique activities and experiences.


会話 / dialogue


Hey Key, have you ever heard of glamping? I’m really interested in trying it.

ねえ、キー、グランピングって聞いたことある? すごく興味があって試してみたいんだ。


Oh yeah, glamping has been getting pretty popular here in Japan. It’s like camping but with way more comfort, right?



Exactly! You don’t have to set up your own tent or sleep on the ground. The accommodations are already set up, and they’re really luxurious. I was reading that some places even have real beds and air conditioning.



That sounds amazing. It’s like combining nature with a hotel experience. Where are you thinking of going?



I’ve been looking into a few spots near Mt. Fuji. There’s a place called Hoshinoya Fuji that offers these cabins with a perfect view of the mountain. You can even do activities like canoeing or just relax by a campfire.



Oh, I’ve heard about that! Isn’t it the first glamping resort in Japan? I bet the view of Fuji is incredible.



Yes, that’s the one! It’s more expensive than regular camping, but it seems worth it. You get luxury and nature together. Plus, they offer meals, so you don’t have to worry about cooking unless you want to.



I’m curious, though. How is it different from regular camping, other than the comfort?



Well, in traditional camping, you need to bring your own gear—like tents, sleeping bags, cooking equipment—and set everything up. Glamping, on the other hand, provides all that for you. The tents or cabins come with beds, furniture, and even bathrooms in some places. It’s perfect if you want to enjoy nature but don’t want the hassle.



That’s convenient. But what about the food? Do you cook yourself or is there something like a restaurant?



It depends on the place. Some glamping sites have full restaurants, and others give you the option to barbecue or cook with prepared meal kits. At Hoshinoya, they have gourmet meal services, so you can enjoy high-quality food without lifting a finger.



That’s great. And I imagine it’s safer, too. I always worry about things like wild animals when camping.



Exactly. Since glamping sites are more structured, you don’t have to worry as much about safety. Plus, they often have staff on site, and the facilities are more secure than regular camping spots.



What about the weather? Doesn’t it get cold at night, especially near Mt. Fuji?



That’s true, but most places offer heated tents or cabins. For example, I read that some sites even have wood-burning stoves or electric heaters. So, it’s cozy even if it’s cold outside.



That sounds like the best of both worlds—enjoying the outdoors without the discomfort. Are there any downsides?



Well, it can be a bit pricey compared to regular camping. Also, you still have to be mindful of the environment. Even though it’s luxurious, glamping spots often emphasize eco-friendly practices, like reducing waste and conserving energy.



I like that. It’s important to stay mindful of nature while enjoying it. So, are you planning to go soon?



Yeah, I’m hoping to book a spot this autumn. I want to enjoy the cooler weather and maybe do some hiking or stargazing. You should come along!



I’d love to! It sounds like the perfect mix of adventure and relaxation.


関連情報 / related information



What is Glamping?
Glamping, or “glamorous camping,” is a mix of luxury and outdoor adventure. Unlike regular camping, where you bring your own tent and sleeping bag, glamping provides comfortable accommodations such as tents, cabins, or yurts. These places usually have beds, furniture, and even electricity, making it a more comfortable way to experience nature.


Where Can You Go Glamping?
In Japan, there are many popular glamping spots. For example, near Mt. Fuji, you can stay in luxury cabins with beautiful views of the mountain. In other areas like Ise-Shima and Shirahama, you can enjoy the ocean and local seafood. Glamping locations are often in beautiful natural settings like forests, beaches, or near lakes.


Activities and Food
Glamping also offers various activities. You can go hiking, canoeing, or enjoy stargazing at night. Many places offer BBQ facilities, and some even have gourmet meal services, so you can enjoy delicious food without having to cook yourself.


A Comfortable and Safe Experience
Glamping is a safer and more comfortable alternative to traditional camping. The accommodations are secure, and many sites have staff available to help. It’s a great option for people who want to experience nature without giving up the comforts of home.


10の質問 / 10 questions

1: What is glamping?  

Glamping is a combination of “glamorous” and “camping.” It offers a luxurious camping experience where guests can stay in comfortable accommodations like tents or cabins with amenities such as beds, furniture, and electricity.

2: How is glamping different from traditional camping?  

In traditional camping, you bring your own gear, set up your tent, and often sleep on the ground. Glamping provides pre-set accommodations with comforts like real beds, bathrooms, and sometimes even air conditioning or heating.

3: Where can you go glamping in Japan?  

Popular glamping locations in Japan include areas near Mt. Fuji, Shirahama, and Ise-Shima. These spots offer beautiful views of nature, luxury accommodations, and outdoor activities like hiking and canoeing.

4: What kinds of accommodations are available for glamping?  

Glamping accommodations vary, but they often include luxury tents, yurts, cabins, and even treehouses. These spaces are furnished with beds, chairs, and sometimes include private bathrooms.

5: What activities can you enjoy while glamping?  

Depending on the location, glamping offers activities such as hiking, canoeing, stargazing, barbecuing, and even spa services. Many places provide a mix of outdoor adventures and relaxation options.

6: Is glamping eco-friendly?  

Some glamping sites focus on sustainability by using eco-friendly materials, promoting energy-saving practices, and encouraging waste reduction. However, not all glamping sites are equally environmentally friendly, so it’s good to check before booking.

7: Do glamping sites provide food?  

Many glamping sites offer gourmet meals, either in on-site restaurants or through meal kits for guests to cook. Some places have barbecue facilities, while others provide fully prepared meals.

8: How much does it cost to go glamping?  

The cost of glamping can vary depending on the location and level of luxury, but it generally ranges from ¥10,000 to ¥60,000 per night in Japan. High-end sites near popular areas like Mt. Fuji may charge more.

9: Is glamping safe?  

Yes, glamping is generally safer than traditional camping. The accommodations are more secure, and many sites have staff on-site to assist guests, which reduces concerns about wildlife or accidents.

10: Can you go glamping in all seasons?  

Yes, glamping is available year-round. In winter, many sites offer heated tents or cabins to keep guests warm, while in summer, air conditioning may be provided. Each season offers unique activities and experiences.

words & phrases



comfort : 名詞
意味: 快適さ、安らぎ。A state of physical ease and freedom from pain or discomfort.

  • The hotel provided all the comfort we needed during our stay.
  • He found great comfort in knowing his family was safe.
  • The cabin is designed for maximum comfort.

accommodation : 名詞
意味: 宿泊施設。A place where people can live, stay, or work, such as a hotel or an apartment.

  • The hotel offers affordable accommodation near the city center.
  • We booked our accommodation at a luxury resort.
  • Is there enough accommodation for all the guests?

cabin : 名詞
意味: 小屋、キャビン。A small, simple house or shelter, often located in remote or wooded areas.

  • We stayed in a cozy cabin in the mountains.
  • The cabin was equipped with a fireplace and a comfortable bed.
  • The airline upgraded us to a first-class cabin.

equipment : 名詞
意味: 装備、道具。The necessary items for a particular purpose, such as camping or sports.

  • We need to pack all the camping equipment before we leave.
  • The gym has the latest fitness equipment.
  • Safety equipment is essential when hiking in rough terrain.

hassle : 名詞
意味: 面倒、煩わしさ。A situation that causes difficulty or annoyance.

  • Setting up a tent in the rain can be such a hassle.
  • Traveling during the holidays can be a real hassle.
  • With glamping, you avoid all the hassle of traditional camping.
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